marbisi Member


  • It's been a while since I've checked in. I got out of the habit and fell off my diet :-( I hope everyone is still plugging away, one step at a time. I am getting myself back on target now...
  • I was very excited yesterday to fit into an older pair of jeans. I have a whole wardrobe waiting for me if I can just get down a few more pounds... I also bought a bunch more fruits and veggies to use in my juicer. Can't wait to do that today :-)
  • I am under a lot of stress right now, and I find that I eat more. Work has been hectic and I haven't been getting home until 9 or 9:30, I have a final exam at the end of the week, and no time to study, and my lease is up next month and I have to find a new place to move. I am glad I am already divorced or it could be worse!
  • Water leaks suck!! OMG. I hope you didn't lose anything in the flood. I seem to have water leaks follow me wherever I go... My ceiling caved in over Christmas because a water line in the ceiling burst. The line went to an air humidifier that I didn't even know was up there! In other news, I finally used my juicer. I didn't…
  • You go girl!! We didn't do anything - no candy, just had a quiet day.
  • Well, vacation is over, I am back at work, and my company that I had over has left. Time to get back on track! I did lose 2 more lbs just by eating smaller portions (even though it was chinese, pizza or whatever). I also bought the Breville juicer and ouch are those things expensive! If you have them in the cupboard, you…
  • Hi sjeannie, You have inspired me to try some strength training! I think I could handle only two days a week. Don't blame yourself for the fried stuff. I ate fried green beans with some kind of ranch dressing or something on them. They were delicious!! lol We can take anything healthy and ruin it right? Oh well, then we…
  • Hi Becca and gang, Well I'm on vacation and it has been pretty bad. I have not been able to stay on the plan with traveling and going out with friends. I have been skipping my vitamins and supplements too. I did learn something new though that I wanted to share. My sister was inspired after watching a movie called Hungry…
  • I heard you are supposed to eat at least 1200 calories to avoid going into starvation mode. If you aren't eating the amount of calories the site tells you, then you should still be ok; just losing weight!
  • Forgot my fiber this morning, and didn't have anything prepared for lunch, so I had to eat out. Got a 6" turkey from Subway. It's better than getting the foot long that I used to eat, so I still feel like I am ahead, even though it's a slip off of the plan. I like their website. You can pick your bread, cheese or none,…
  • Wow sjeannie! I can't believe the whole thing is on you tube. I guess I have no excuse, I am going to have to check it out now :-) Did you try the workouts? If so, how was it?
  • Well, I fell off the wagon before the vacation even started. I have been craving my two favorite things, pizza and ice cream. I ate a pizza from smart ones and even though I felt it was very high in calories, it was till a lot less than one of the regular ones. And because I just had the one serving size, there was none…
  • Hi 413bb How did your weight do over your vacation? Were you able to keep it from gaining? Broth is a great idea, I just have to watch my sodium and soy. When I read the labels I sometimes can't believe how much salt is in there and soy is in almost everything now. I love regular dressing too, and won't give up my fat. You…
  • You're right, it can only get better from here. At least we are on the right track. So was the workout fun besides being hard?
  • Wow! You go! Let us slow people know how it goes :-) I am still not making my 10,000 steps :( I also hate seeing pizza commercials because I miss it so much! Well, at least it's Friday and I made it through another week :-)
  • I haven't seen it or heard anyone talking about it here at work. A lot of people at work talk about P90X and Insanity workout. I am not ready to do those yet! I am still trying to get all my walking in.
  • I did add some extra fruit or veggies and brought my calories up. Am doing great now and feel like the weight is coming off, even if I can't see it yet. I am going on vacation in two weeks, and am concerned I won't be able to stick with my diet. Has anyone else had trouble or figured out how to stay on the diet?
  • I realized I am not getting enough calories. Starving too much was making me feel weak and unfocused. I upped my intake a little bit and am feeling much better. It was still a little bit low yesterday, so I am going to add a little bit more today. I also got in more time walking since the weather was so nice. It's hard to…
  • Gotta make it quick this morning. Getting ready for work. I started a new diet last week, and I am glad I have lost 5 lbs, but I already feel like nothing else has come off. I guess that's not really true. I wish it was coming off faster! I don't SEE any difference...
  • Some women I know that are divorced and/or retired, are happier being single. I've been single and raising my son on my own for the last 12 years, but I just don't really see myself as being alone. There is so much I still want to do and I would like to have someone to share it all with. If it doesn't happen it won't be…
  • Hi sjeannie, Does your insurance cover a nutritionist? I've never been to one. I think it's wonderful that the pound you found was muscle. I usually hate to see an extra pound. So if you gained a pound of muscle, does that mean that you also lost fat? I gage my weight on how tight my clothes are, and they are getting…
  • So we're over 50 and single. I was never a beauty queen and I don't care much about make up and fashion anyway, but when I was younger and thinner at least guys would look at me. I keep hoping I will find someone, but think it's very hard with so much extra weight. I don't feel lonely and I am pretty independent, but I…
  • Yeah I don't know what proportions are supposed to be either. I remember once reading about the size of a muffin. The ones that we are used to seeing are a little bigger than a cupcake, are actually about 4 muffins worth. Crazy! Who eats a muffin the size of a tablespoon?
  • Hi 413bb! I am so happy for you that you have lost 25 lbs this year. I just started too, and have 85 to go. I haven't lost anything yet. But I know I am learning a lot from this site. Hi Donna, I totally understand the bagel thing. Breads are my weakness and my comfort food. I could eat them like there's no tomorrow. Sorry…
  • I see that my calorie count goes up and down from day to day, but is seldom under my recommended allocation. It gets worse on the weekend when I'm home. I hardly have time to do any exercising and I don't count walking through the grocery store! I can really see how my food choices are impacting weight loss, and am…
  • How is everyone doing this week?
  • I am doing better. I realize I can't keep doing the same things that I have been doing. I never told myself I can't have something. I thought it was great not to have limits. But now I am seeing that limits and boundries are a good thing! Just like I set them as a parent, I am now imposing them on myself. Steel sharpens…
  • Hey Donna, That happened to me yesterday! Couldn't stop.... I think partly it was lack of drinking enough water. Go fill up with some water, lemon water, or even Crystal Light if you have to... I wish I had.
  • So, I am noticing that I am eating more and exercising less! I am blaming this on the fact that I signed up for a class, so I now have less time and more stress. I am usually more stressed at work, but eat more when I am at home. I haven't figured that one out just yet. Maybe just the fact that I am home and there is food…
  • Good Morning Friends! I see that I am still stress eating, and eating right before bed. It's nice to have this site to really get the visual on my habits. I like the weight lifting suggestions to use cans and things. There is so much in our everyday lives we can use. If you are doing laundry, pick it up and put it down…