

  • it is hard, it is strict, the gym that runs it is amazing.. they have a fake police car, and they are called 'Commissioner', 'Sargeant Snoop Dogg', and other police-y like names, and IF you cheat on the program, and someone (usually a loved one or friend) dobs you in, they come and do a raid on your house lol.. all in fun…
  • Alright, I even put my real weight on my ticker, as it's not something I tend to admit to, but I suppose it's my first step to acknowledging how terribly I've been doing of late. So, it's out there now!!!
  • hahahaha LOVE it!! and YES!!!! Not that I'm a smoker, but, in the past, I became a gym junkie!! I may not have been worrying much about what was passing my lips, but I was working out for 2-3 hours a day, one in the morning, one in the afternoon, and IF I could fit it in my lunchbreak, then too. And the same Challenge that…
  • It's supposed to be all about the timing of meals, and what you include in them. Every meal is supposed to have a serve of protein, a serve of carbs, and a serve of vegies. It's EXTREMELY strict, and I need that. No additives like salts, and sugars. No milk or milk products for the 90 days, and no fruit, due to the high…
  • Hi Niki and Alison!! I'm in the same boat!! And Ben and Jerry's... *drool*.... Pepsi Max is almost my LIFELINE at the moment. Day 3 into a 90 day challenge, and on STRUGGLE street, so looking to distract myself with this sort of stuff! May I add you both? Loving the sense of humour with it all too!!