

  • You should never drink your calories. A glass is good for you because of the antioxidants and they say it is good for the heart. Try increasing your protein intake and that should take up those extra calories.
  • Yes it is okay but even a glass of milk is enough protein to rebuild after a workout
  • You have to make time for you. We get caught up in work, family and everything else but ourselves. Say to yourself everyday I will make time for me to exercise. Even if you start with 20mins a day and increase it as you go along. Often we jump straight in and want to work out 60 mins or more from the start. You will grow…
  • Kick up your work out(more wieght or quick intense cardio/aerobic bursts and increase your protein and have barely any carbs. This will kick start you again into more rapid weight lose.
  • It sounds like you need to plan out your meals better. Six smaller meals throughout the day will take care of having that many calories at the end of your day. This will speed up your metabolism too. Our bodies don't burn off what we eat during evening and night hours and it will store it as fat. Goodluck!