
  • You go girl! Hang onto that positive attitude. I saw another great quote--"I may be fat, but you're ugly. I can go on a diet." You might want to change that to, "I may still be fat, but you're RUDE and STUPID." But a better comeback would be, "God bless you" which would really throw them off!
  • I measure and weigh about the same as you and have been many years in the process of trying to lose weight permanently. I went into My Goals under My Home and was brutally honest about what I wanted and what I needed. They set up a much lower calorie limit than you have, and only through exercising have I been able to lose…
  • I meant get the calories expended by carrying the average weight...
    in Please help? Comment by DWCPHC May 2013
  • There is an exercise app for walking with a 15 lb. load. I don't see why you couldn't Google the average weight of the kids and multiply by the amount of time you think you walk while carrying them?
    in Please help? Comment by DWCPHC May 2013
  • My husband really likes the flavored water sold at WalMart. I prefer coffee...
  • I just started this and I can't keep it down to 1200 calories most days. Are you able to do any type of exercise?
  • P.S. You don't get hungry. You may get a slight headache but it's bearable and will go away.
  • We have a good book called "Fasting: the Ultmate Diet" by Allan Cott, M.D. which lays out a program for fasting as well as coming out of a fast. Drinking lots of water helps. He recommends that if you fast one whole day, spend the next day sipping a combination of orange juice and water. You need to be cleared by a doctor…