I love 'Nymphetamine Fix'
Album: House of Gold & Bones part 2 Artist: Stone Sour \m/
I've done AI once (14 nights in Mexico), and it was ridiculous, inventing new times for food like I was a Hobbit - 3pm became 'Pizza slice' time, 4pm was 'ice cream time' etc - it was gluttony on an epic, tasty, guacamole and pork-pibil filled level. So I don't book AI anymore, as I am still carrying around 4 extra kilos…
It's all about calorie deficit. Even if all you eat is cake - Twinkie diet helps nutrition professor lose 27 pounds:
Lemon Jelly
My advice to you would be to take up swimming - it's low impact, will support you and you can build up your pace. For best results, do front crawl.
Hi, I'm new. I'm in the East Midlands, I'm 5'8'' and just under 12 stone; I'd like to get back down into the middle of a health BMI range for my height, so I'm aiming for 10 stone. I'm also looking to get fit again - I was diganosed with glandular fever in October 2012 after several months of being continually poorly; I…