jacquiroxx922 Member


  • Just an update while I'm thinking of it :) 5/5-- Broad Street Run 6/9-- ODDyssey Half Marathon 7/14-- Color Run (so excited for this because my husband likes to run 5Ks with me, so I'll have his company) First run with the running team for the season today :) I'm ready to rock!!
  • Wow. You guys are amazing and SO helpful!! I am going to start looking at some of the places you mentioned. I thought I was wearing moisture-wicking, but with a second look, I found that most of my clothes aren't! I really appreciate all the layering advice, too. I was literally wearing a sports bra and long-sleeve shirt…
  • If I get chosen for Broad Street this year, I'll be doing a 10 miler in the beginning of May. The lottery starts on Monday and I won't find out the results until the 19th. Regardless, I'll be doing a half on June 9th, so that's close enough :) I joined a training team and am following their plan-- I like to train with a…