athenalove46 Member


  • What a day I've had. As of today, I need a break. Mentally, I just need a break. So, I know it isn't quite Sunday yet, but starting tomorrow I'm going to just eat. I'm going to increase my fat again (yay bulletproof coffee is back on the menu!) and not try to focus on "getting the right amount of carbs" in the day. Which,…
  • It does take time. I think it took me at least 2 weeks maybe a little longer before I started feeling a little comfortable. It's now been almost 4 months at my gym and everyone is so awesome. :) Keep going and know it does get easier!!!
  • Welcome back and good luck! At least you got the kick in the rear to get going! HUGS!
  • If you currently look like you do in your picture, you do not need to lose a single pound (or kg)! I'll send you a FR. :)
  • WTG! I can't believe we have pretty much the exact same stats except I weigh considerably more than you. I have yet to start losing weight, but sounds like you are doing great!
  • Thanks guys. :) As for my pulling lifts...if I understand correctly what you mean, my deadlift has increased quite a bit. I'm also doing inverted rows right now as well. The only thing I haven't really progressed on is my overhead shoulders seem to be my weak link. lol
  • It's Sunday and that means measurement day!!! I made the mistake of weighing myself....154.5 lbs...TOM is also here too so I'm not taking too much stalk in my weight. Measurements: Weight: 154.5 BF%: 27% LBM: 112.4 (that went up by almost 3 lbs from last week to this) Wrist: 5.75" (down 0.25") Forearm: 8.25 (up 0.5"....not…
  • You can also read the sticky posts in this group. :)
  • If pictures were easy then it wouldn't be fun! Lol great job. And, BTW, the only cardio do is my 5 minute warm up before lifting. Other than that its all chasing after the kids, cooking dinner....that kind of stuff. :) I see a difference in your back for sure! The picture kind of cuts off on the right, but looking great!
  • Does ANYONE know what I'm doing wrong with my pictures????? I have them uploaded to Photobucket...I'm using the code ....I even changed the settings of my folder to public from private....ugh!!!! *****Took me a few minutes to figure it out. What a PITA!!! lol*****
  • Are you taking pictures and measurements as well??? I think we are about the same timetable, and I gained 15 lbs through my reset (well, 10 on reset and 5 on "cut") and have yet to lose a single pound. But, with looking at pictures and now measurements I'm getting smaller. How long before did you eat low calories? How long…
  • I had no clue about any sort of adjustments I could make to the Fitbit to customize it a bit more and make it true. If you haven't already, figure out your stride length. I read through this thread and learned to do all the adjustments: If you do…
  • Your story sounds just like mine in the beginning. I did 11 weeks at TDEE (or what I thought was TDEE), cut 10% and gained 5 lbs. I'm now eating more than what was my assumed TDEE and the inches are literally melting off. I adjusted my figures in my Fitbit according to Haybales and my Fitbit is showing me burning 2500-2600…
  • Haven't read through all the replies just yet, but wanted to share my story. Once upon a time ago I discovered Paleo. It was great for me and I lost a lot of weight and thought I felt great. Started CROSSFIT and I kept losing weight and was unable to make PRs, feeling like crap (even went to the doctor cause i thought i…
  • A carb count of 100-150 grams is a great place to be. I used to do low, low carb and I can say that I feel much better now at the 150 mark.
  • Yes you absolutely can! When I first started EM2WL I was eating very low carb as was my norm. I've eaten low carb Paleo the past 3 years...along with a VLCD. I will say, however, that in the past 2 months I have increased my carbs quite a bit. I'm still hovering anywhere between 100 and 150 grams a day, while trying to aim…
  • Wow. Thanks for this post. I had no idea about these adjustments to make to the Fitbit! Man... I agree with Chuckles, Haybales! You are AMAZING!
  • I'm 5' 4" 150# Pants size 9/10 Shirts M.....though my arms seem to have outgrown all my shirts with sleeves.
  • I don't focus so much on the percentage of protein I get, but I figure out how much I should be eating by calculating how much lean muscle mass I have (there are calculators online that can guess that) and eat about 1 g/kg of lean mass. For me that comes to right about 25%. Also want to let you know that fat is GOOD for…
  • Have you started taking measurements and pictures? That right there would be a good way to determine if things have changed. My weight hasn't changed one bit (actually went up 5 lbs) and measurements didn't change much, but when I compared pictures from 7 weeks ago, man...the changes! I'm no expert on the diet portion as…
  • Ah I understand. Well, I have heard that it doesn't do you any good to cut more than 15% from your TDEE. whether that causes you to loss 6 lbs a month or not doesn't matter much. Good luck.
  • I'm confused as to what your beef is with this calculator. If you noticed in step 6 you "select your goal"....However much or little you wish to cut and lose....
  • Woah. You are confused. You find your TDEE and subtract 15% from that number....NOT your BMR. Your BMR is what you burn by doing absolutely nothing. Add in walking, cleaning, working, everything else you do aside from essential body function and you get a much higher number than 900. Right now, I'm maintaining my weight,…
  • IMHO, you need to eat more. Go fill out this calculator and figure out your BMR (basal metabolic rate...aka what you burn when you're in a coma) and TDEE. Then, if you want to take your TDEE and subtract 15% and that is how much you should be eating. You should ALWAYS be eating above your BMR!!! Secondly, I would change up…
  • I just wanted to say good luck! And to remember that even though you are low carb, you still need carbs! Aim for at LEAST 50 grams a day. If you look at Mark Sissons carb curve even 100 grams is within fat loss range. Just wanted to warn you about going too low which can cause ketosis and that is not a pleasant thing to…
  • You are doing a FANTASTIC job! Wow! Great work. I can totally see more definition in your after picture! Eating food fits you well. lol Me? Well, I'm still in the thick of things. Figuring out my numbers still....feeling up one day, feeling down the next. :)
  • The vitamins I focus on right now are prenatals (because, well, there will be a baby in my future), cod liver oil, and vitamin B complex. I might change that up here and there based on mood and budget, but that's generally what I do. :)
  • Fluffernutters!!! Nom nom nom!
  • ^^This! I don't recommend anything but butter. Margarine is not even close to a real food.