kutazsa Member


  • Hi! Since the summer I am on metformin pills 1500 a day but nothing else, my doc sayed that I have to eat if I feel myself weak otherwise I can faint. You have no idea how long i have to pick these pills? for rest of my life???
  • Sziasztok! En Romaniai vagyok, Csikszeredai, 25 eves es eleg hullamzo a kapcsolatom a testemmel :) furcsan hangzik, de gondolom nem vagyok ezzel egyedul... neha tetszik ahogy van s elfogadom vagy legalabbis megprobalom, maskor meg haragszom magamra, hogy csak egy kevestol kene megszabadulnom s megsem megy mikor masok 50…
  • Congratulation and I wish you a lot same things!
  • thank you for the answer, I was at an endocrinologist but he did not say too much about my estradiol level, maybe I have to go to another doc.
  • Hi Everybody! I am from Rumania, it is my second day on Myfitnesspal, and I have no friends here... :( If u can help me with some advice or just want to be my "fitness" firend i would be happy with your friedship ... so pls add me! xox Zsuzsa