ProjectActionFigure Member


  • P90X is a great program. see my before and after pics on my blog. http;// I started at 255lbs and 41% body fat. 9 months later, under 200lbs, I was in a 32" waist from a 40", my angina attacks stopped, my hair grew back from Alopecia, (look close at my before pic, you can see the baldness under the cover.…
  • I'm doing the same thing. I put together a 1000 pound weight-loss challenge and a P90X challenge because I'm really in need of accountability and support right now! What better way to get support, but recruit people to join me! Both Start on Feb 25th 2013 90 Day 1,000 Loss Challenge…
  • P90X is a great workout. I'd recommend getting it and doing the Lean program. When you buy P90X from Beachbody, you get 3 workout schedules. Lean, Classic and Doubles. You can view my before and after pictures on my blog.