Starting P90X/Insanity in February



  • marvybells
    marvybells Posts: 1,984 Member
    I just got my copy of P90X in the mail today, I wanted to start it Feb 1st but unfortunately I have come down with a nasty bug so I might have to put it off longer...

    I ordered a set of resistance bands, other than that I have a few free weights, push up bars, a medicine ball, a stability ball & yoga mat. No chin-up bar or anything like that. I'm hoping that I can get by with what I have....

    Currently I do 30DS & some other Jillian videos as well as some other HIIT routines i found online. I mix n match them & usually do about 45-60 mins total a day. (sometimes i do weight lifting but it's pretty light weights, more high rep full body compound moves.) With 30DS, level 1 is fairly easy for me now, level 2 is very doable but not "easy", I can hang in but still kind of huff & puff & grunt my way through level 3. I wonder if I should wait until i can say that i have "mastered" every level of 30DS & the other Jillian videos I have before i try P90x.....
  • akb22
    akb22 Posts: 5
    Hello all! Just restarted Insanity a little over 2 weeks ago :)
  • eperex
    eperex Posts: 86
    On Week two of insanity wow intense :D
  • eperex
    eperex Posts: 86
    Hello all! Just restarted Insanity a little over 2 weeks ago :)

    Nice :D what kind of Genre of music do you listening to when doing it ?
  • niswander91
    Today was my second day of Insanity, really pumped about these workouts. Anyone doing the videos on a second floor? I feel like Im going to annoy the heck out of my neighbors.
  • deansters
    deansters Posts: 59 Member
    I just finished week two
    Going on to do my second fit test
    I really enjoyed it so far and think its a great alternative to the gym
  • KyahRose86
    Hopefully they'll be a bit understanding when they realize it's an adult doing all the jumping and stomping, etc. Could always offer them to join you....HA! I have a friend getting ready to get the disks as well, who lives on an upper floor appartment. Will be interesting to hear about. Keep it up!
  • Dickersondiva
    Dickersondiva Posts: 97 Member
    Tomorrow makes day 51 of my first round of Insanity for me. I gotta say....I made the mistake of eating a "light" meal before my first fit test and I almost threw up. It was horrendous. Needless to say, I kept with it, careful to do it on an EMPTY stomach (lol) and I have done much better. So far, I've lost only 7 pounds but I've lost 18 inches and a dress size. I am 5'9" and currently 206 lbs. I feel better than I have ever felt...and my before/after pics so far are AMAZING to say the least. :0)

    No matter how hard it seems, just stick with it...I promise it gets a LITTLE easier. Take as many breaks as you need...and DIG DEEPER!
  • Mr_Excitement
    Mr_Excitement Posts: 833 Member
    I'm on my eighth month of P90X right now. I've slowly tweaked it over time, substituting some of the easier workouts with routines from elsewhere (replaced Kenpo X with Interval X Plus, for instance). It's a great series for me and I've been very happy with the results. I've lost 19 pounds, and put on a lot more muscle than I expected to.

    I can actually keep up with that Dominic guy in Plyo now, which just blows me away. I used to curse that SOB every time I got to jump knee tucks and he does them double time for 30 seconds.
  • kadinlucas
    kadinlucas Posts: 77 Member
    Tomorrow makes day 51 of my first round of Insanity for me. I gotta say....I made the mistake of eating a "light" meal before my first fit test and I almost threw up. It was horrendous. Needless to say, I kept with it, careful to do it on an EMPTY stomach (lol) and I have done much better. So far, I've lost only 7 pounds but I've lost 18 inches and a dress size. I am 5'9" and currently 206 lbs. I feel better than I have ever felt...and my before/after pics so far are AMAZING to say the least. :0)

    No matter how hard it seems, just stick with it...I promise it gets a LITTLE easier. Take as many breaks as you need...and DIG DEEPER!

    This was an interesting read for me. I threw up after I did the fit test, but I did it first thing in the morning with no food or water in my system (which made throwing up much worse). I then had a read and thought it was due to dehydration and lack of any food. From that I gathered that I should eat before doing it, but you reckon empty stomach is better?
  • proton77
    proton77 Posts: 409
    My wife and sister in-law are nervous too! But I told them that I'll be struggling with them every step of the way until it's DONE. Share with us your experience back here once you've started.

    I know how that feels. I puked the second day doing P90X Plyometrics :) Keep pushing yourself maybe modify some moves so that you don't hurt yourself to a point where you can't continue.

    Awesome! Have you done any workout like that before? Reason I ask is because you seem to be pretty fit already. What are your goals for this round?

    Way to go! What's your result so far?

    I got sick only the 3rd day into P90X and had to be in bed the whole day. I pushed myself to do Yoga X the next day and boy that really helped. Not sure how but that totally made my body and sickness go away :)

    Welcome! How are you guys liking it so far?

    I too do my workout on the second floor of my own house but guess what even my wife complained about me being too loud LOL!

    Good job!

    Congrats! You're almost there :)

    Amen! I told myself that maybe he's lighter and that's why he could do double time and jump farther :p
  • jbirdica
    jbirdica Posts: 37 Member

    Way to go! What's your result so far?

    Thanks! Well, I started out on January 7th weighing 196.8 and today I am 194.6. So not many pounds lost but lost 5 inches around my waist! Extremely excited about that! Also, my fit test results were a drastic improvement from the first round.

    First Numbers are the fit test I took when I started Insanity and the second numbers are my 2nd fit test taken after two weeks of Insanity!

    Switch Kicks 55 72

    Power Jacks 50 65

    Power Knees 74 100

    Power Jumps 28 40

    Globe Jumps 7 9

    Suicide Jumps 12 15

    Push-Up Jacks 12 26

    Low Plank Oblique 40 50

    Just wanted to add that I am 5'2" and have not been following the Insanity nutrition guide. Just been eating healthy on my own and tracking everything on MFP.
  • proton77
    proton77 Posts: 409

    Way to go! What's your result so far?

    Thanks! Well, I started out on January 7th weighing 196.8 and today I am 194.6. So not many pounds lost but lost 5 inches around my waist! Extremely excited about that! Also, my fit test results were a drastic improvement from the first round.

    First Numbers are the fit test I took when I started Insanity and the second numbers are my 2nd fit test taken after two weeks of Insanity!

    Switch Kicks 55 72

    Power Jacks 50 65

    Power Knees 74 100

    Power Jumps 28 40

    Globe Jumps 7 9

    Suicide Jumps 12 15

    Push-Up Jacks 12 26

    Low Plank Oblique 40 50

    Just wanted to add that I am 5'2" and have not been following the Insanity nutrition guide. Just been eating healthy on my own and tracking everything on MFP.

    That's great! You know you can't really look at the scale. Inches are more important!
  • Dickersondiva
    Dickersondiva Posts: 97 Member
    Tomorrow makes day 51 of my first round of Insanity for me. I gotta say....I made the mistake of eating a "light" meal before my first fit test and I almost threw up. It was horrendous. Needless to say, I kept with it, careful to do it on an EMPTY stomach (lol) and I have done much better. So far, I've lost only 7 pounds but I've lost 18 inches and a dress size. I am 5'9" and currently 206 lbs. I feel better than I have ever felt...and my before/after pics so far are AMAZING to say the least. :0)

    No matter how hard it seems, just stick with it...I promise it gets a LITTLE easier. Take as many breaks as you need...and DIG DEEPER!

    This was an interesting read for me. I threw up after I did the fit test, but I did it first thing in the morning with no food or water in my system (which made throwing up much worse). I then had a read and thought it was due to dehydration and lack of any food. From that I gathered that I should eat before doing it, but you reckon empty stomach is better?

    Well, your mileage may vary, but I have found that there is waaaaay too much jumping around and quick-changing from standing to plank for me to have a full stomach. Now that being said, I was HORRIBLY out of shape when I began, and that's probably the real reason why I had stomach issues on the first day. It could have been that even with an empty stomach on the first day, I would have felt just as bad. Tonight I did Max Cardio and Recovery after a chicken salad sandwich and I was just fine. Go figure. :0)
  • EmmaLA16
    EmmaLA16 Posts: 94 Member
    Emma: That's awesome. What are your goals for this round?

    To actually finish it this time lol. I've also got Turbo fire waiting in the wings for after i complete insanity.
  • ifaber
    ifaber Posts: 195 Member
    I'm starting today as well. I've done some rounds before so I know what to expect, but I plan on going through the full 60 days and then on to Asylum 2 afterwards. I do have Asylum 1 but would much rather do 2.
  • ProjectActionFigure
    I'm doing the same thing. I put together a 1000 pound weight-loss challenge and a P90X challenge because I'm really in need of accountability and support right now! What better way to get support, but recruit people to join me!

    Both Start on Feb 25th 2013

    90 Day 1,000 Loss Challenge

    P90X 90 Day Challenge
  • clarkeje1
    clarkeje1 Posts: 1,638 Member
    I start Insanity Monday!!!
  • sarahruizfitnessjourney
    Today was my very first day of Insanity!!!
  • proton77
    proton77 Posts: 409
    Emma: That's awesome. What are your goals for this round?

    To actually finish it this time lol. I've also got Turbo fire waiting in the wings for after i complete insanity.

    You can do it! Just press play everyday. Turbofire looks good. I'll recommend that to my wife after Insanity.