

  • Relationships should be more than skin deep. If you were underweight I would understand his concern!!! But this is about his own insecurities... threatening to dump you is simply childish and "emotional blackmail". He obviously has his fears, but usually this type of behaviour is about controlling you, Owning you and…
  • Hmmm sounds like just what I need. Not sure how I will go under presently restricted conditions with the floods? But some motivation is in order...
  • Yes I know what you mean... I'm only 5'4 and it really is a big load to carry. and quite scary too Thanks for your sentiments....I'm quite grateful that I still have electricity, Though not sure for how long. But Not a good day... my son is stuck with his father between towns atm. Yes food is looking very good today. And…
  • We're in SEQ near Esk in the Brisbane Valley
  • Fruit is great, but like everything, all things in moderation! Fruit is usually high in sugar so yes your blood sugar will peak and drop leaving you looking for a sugar fix and feeling hungry quite quickly. And although fruit has a lot healthy things in it, fruit alone doesn't make a complete diet. And skipping breakfast…