bucksw Member


  • I take them before every meal that is high in solid/cooked protein. To help with the digestion. Liquid and raw veggies have enzymes in them.
    in Enzymes? Comment by bucksw February 2013
  • Just reposting Nathan's answer from Facebook here: Don't worry about the glycerin found in the pills, but ideally take a liquid fishoil.. you'll get more from it. Fishoil and Vit D are good. I'll post a list of supplements in a moment. Dairy is allowed, but make sure you look at the amount of carbs per serving and keep it…
  • Great quick and easy low-carb salad. I pick up everything from Ralph's, and basically just mix it all in the container the greens come in. http://www.myfitnesspal.com/recipe/edit/19587891