

  • I saw your "greetings from the UK" post and was whisked to London and Stroud in a flash -- I had to respond. You see, I accepted an assignment to work in the UK last year from January to May. Loved it! But missed my family terribly, too. I lived in Stroud and travelled a little, mostly worked and developed a community of…
  • Hi: I just read your post about someone being rude to you. Don't take it personally. Losing weight for a lot of people can be really challenging, and, yes, people may be even angry and take it out on someone else. You are right -- if someone doesn't like the recipe you posted, they don't have to make it or comment on it.…
  • Cottage cheese - I purchase organic, small curd cottage cheese. For some reason I really like cottage cheese with pineapple chunks. Another combination I like is a baked yam (hot) with a side of cottage cheese. BB