dhudgin Member


  • I am really having trouble losing weight even with tons of exercise, staying in calories and NOT cheating... I do have a couple of drinks several times a week. I am wondering if it has to do with that- even though I count my alcohol in my total calories. Does anyone else have this problem???
  • My husband pulled the, "I need you to lose weight"- he has always been a fatophobe.... so my ANGER motivated me at first.... However, now that i have been working my #$##$@ off, I am starting to feel stronger and more capable than I have in a looooong time. I am successful at everything else i do: I am a good mom, I am a…
  • I can tell you that I wasn't eating ENOUGH calories and I have been stuck for 4 weeks. I lost a bunch then a big fat 0. Now that I have added a little bit, I am losing again. I am supposed to be eating 1700. I was only eating about 1100 and not taking my extra exercise cals. Try eating healthy, balanced snacks at least…
  • You can add it- just go to settings under food
  • Do NOT let your friends and family steal your joy and sense of accomplishment. After you have reassured them that you are being healthy and deliberate in your eating habits, let the rest go!!! They are JEALOUS of your success and trying to sabotage your efforts- after all, misery LOVES company. You have done an amazing job…