

  • This is what I do too! So useful and consistent! :smile:
  • Oh, forgot to say, make sure you DRINK LOTS OF WATER! This can be a major factor in weight loss...especially if you're exercising a lot.
    in Help! Comment by margretish July 2011
  • Also: hang in there - you will find something that works. I had the same start weight as you about 5 years ago - I've done a couple of loss 'spurts' over that time, and have hit several plateaus during the course of it all. I'm at 174 now and aiming for 140 but I remember for the first plateau I moved from fast walking to…
    in Help! Comment by margretish July 2011
  • What kind of exercise are you doing? Often that is the key - and if you've been doing the same thing the last couple of months your body might just be catching up with you! Good luck! :-)
    in Help! Comment by margretish July 2011
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