UmaB Member


  • hey hun I feel you on this and now I am making a change. I watched Dr. Oz yesterday and he was talking about the vegan diet and how you don't count calories because you can as much as you want. Its a little extreme for me so I decided to go vegetarian for awhile (of course after I finish the roast chicken in the fridge!)…
  • Actually, our mouths are designed for eating meat. We have canine teeth to grab, incisors for cutting, and bicuspids and molars are designed to masticate. Meat. [/quote] Actually that's not true. Dr. Sandra Mclanahan will tell you differently. Our teeth are meant to cut and masticate vegetarian products, they are not as…
  • I actually told a friend about MFP and she wants to lose weight and she told me she doesn't like counting calories because it doesn't work and she doesn't have time and yada yada yada. I told her well you are not counting calories and how is that working out for you? She joined the next day! :)
  • thank you so much!