I also had a full byppass 10 years ago. Please be very careful with your diet for the first 6 weeks. The advice Karla gave you is right on. I suggest that you look for a support group near you. I wish you all the best, and congratulations on taking the step to regain your health.
Dear George, I'm also in my 70s and need to loose some weight as well after the holidays. I wish our group was more active, but I will be happy to have a conversation with you and work together to be healthier in 2019. I have started logging what I eat today. This helps me stay on track. I do not believe in "diet" but in…
Good luck! This is a great start to a new healthier life. All the best ti you!
Welcome! For me what has worked best is to have smaller goals for weight loss. Tracking what I eat is a huge help. Not easy, but I can see the difference. The site is awesome for this. Right now I'm very close to my goal weight--what I call my healthy weight--and work at 5% of my current weight for each landmark…
Hi! You have received great responses and support. What you are feeling is normal, and as it has been said by many, planning and believing you can do it is key. I'm 7 years out--and right now I weight less than I did when I was 24 yrs. of age--and I'm in my 70s! So you can do it. Remember that your surgery is only a tool,…
Long term weight maintenance is not easy, but it is doable. I have not read the article, so I do not want to comment on its validity, but wanted to share my own experience. Until I made up my mind to change my relationship with food and exercise, I was not successful. Currently I'm at a very healthy weigh for my age and…
Would love to be your pal, Krissy. I have maintained my weight after WKS for 7 years. Still need to pay attention! Please send me an invitation
Some ideas from somebody who has been at my goal for about 5 years. 1. It will take a while for you to learn what your size really will be, so buy little at the start, look for sales and Goodwill, etc. Also, if you know of a store that sells used clothes, on consignment, you can get good bargains for very good clothing. 2.…
I'm knew to this group and appreciate all the information. I agree that there is no perfect diet that fist everybody. You have to know what makes sense for you and your body! What is gold for one person can be poison to another. Learn to pay attention how your body, reacts to what you eat. The Paleo approach works for me…
As counter intuitive as it seems, you may not been eating enough! You need protein and a reasonable amount of calories for your body to continue to shed pounds. My current target is around 1,000 per day. And I do regular exercise. Revisit your plan, and follow what has been recommended for you, and track what you are…
Hi, I have lost about 130 lbs after I was 65 years old, so I have loose skin in my arms and stomach. Without surgery, you will not be able to get rid of the excesses you see in you right now--depending on you age, this may me well worth in the future. However, focus on exercise to start your preparation. Start now, and…
Hi, At 309 lbs 5 years ago I know what you are going through. Today, I can easily do 1 hr or more of exercise, and walking is not an issue any more, since I got to a healthy weight for me! Here is my suggestions--supporting what has already been said to you: start doing something to move your body, and try walking, a…
Thanks, Rob. :smile: