

  • Addendum: Protein can be converted to carbs or fat, but not the other way (see e.g. http://www.peak.ag/blog/eiweis-protein).
  • Withings data export is possible, see http://my.withings.com/static/faq/pdf/FAQ_de.pdf page 18. :smile: Here is what you get: PSEUDO,DATE,HOUR,HEIGHT,WEIGHT,FATMASS,FATFREEMASS,COMMENT NIK,"2013/05/27","07:50:48","","62.5","9.7","52.8","" NIK,"2013/05/26","14:22:19","","62.8","9.4","53.4",""
  • In the Coursera online-course "Nutrition, Health and Lifestyle" from Jamie Pope, Vanderbilt University, they propose the following values (I think based on US FDA recommendations): carbs 45 - 65 % (i. e. 225 - 325 grams for 2000 calore diet), protein 10 - 35 % (i.e. 50 - 175 grams), fat 20 - 35 % (i.e. 44 - 78 grams). If…
  • I use Withings with WIFI, but have not yet found a way to export the data from the Withings Website. However, there are many partner applications to connect with (like Runtastic and MyFitnessPal), so maybe one of them allows you to get what you want. I have also noted that Withings only shows Weight, Fat (kg or %) and BMI,…
  • I found Mandeldrink from Dr. Ritter in the health food store in Emmen-Center, Emmenbrücke. I'm not sure if it's what you are looking for, I use it tfor smoothies.
    in Almond milk Comment by Ajesin May 2013
  • Congratulations... how did you manage the snow? I had to abort the Fronalp-Tour (Stoos) yesterday at the height of 1500m.