

  • Body fat is not just the external fat wrapped around the muscles which is the stuff we can see. The bad fats are the deeper ones which are wrapped around the organs. Also, everyone's body holds fat in different places dependant on your body shape. If you're concerned about your BFP then try more strength training in your…
  • I definitely agree with adding nuts to your diet! They're a great source of healthy calories and also help add fibre and vitamins. I love pistachio nuts but always carry a small container of almonds with me just incase I get the munchies!
  • She needs to keep motivated for more than a week, and make sure she isn't weighing herself more than once a week. She needs to pick a day and time and stick to it. Weight varies greatly not only throughout the week but also throughout the day so it's hard to tell whats going on if she weighs too often. Also, you say she…
  • Toned muscle weighs way more than fat!! Definitely start taking measurements and hide the scales in the closet! Your metabolism sounds like it might need a little boost, so increase your calories a little by adding a few more healthy foods. Nuts are great for this. I love pistachios! Also, change your workout routine.…
    in Plateau Comment by kayre2 October 2012
  • Way to go! You're making amazing progress having lost that much weight so far! He sounds like he's got some issues of his own, so don't let his issues or his comments get you down. Don't let what anyone else thinks of your body negatively affect how you feel about yourself. At the end of the day you've only really got…