CharliLarlie Member


  • I suggest you talk with a doctor or nutritionist/dietitian about your diet before going off an a diet. I won't say you are eating too little or too much, because I am vegetarian and while I sometimes eat a lot of food, it is all vegetables or fruits, which doesn't translate into calories as prescribed by a chart on…
  • What a fantastic journey! You look MAH-valous! as Billy Crystal used to say. Congratulations! You are inspiring.
  • I find that fresh eggs are cheaper and you can just toss the egg yolks. That's how I do it. A friend suggested it to me when i said I was buying egg substitute.She had actually done a comparison of the store bought over the fresh. Also, if you are cutting back on dairy, you can use tofu as an egg substitute. I just found…
  • Wear a pedometer every day and you will be able to determine if you have a sedentary life or not. When I worked, I thought I had a sedentary lifestyle, because I worked in an office, but after wearing a pedometer, I found that I was walking more than 10,000 steps most days. I walked up and down 15 flights of stairs several…
  • One way is to click on the person's name. When you do, it will take you to their page and you can add them as a friend.
  • I'm a "3 score + 6" years young mum and grandmum who loves to knit, crochet, ride a bike, dance and play pickleball. I, too, want to lose 20 pounds by "whenever they disappear." I know what to do, but, like you, might fare better if I had a group who were on the same path as I am. So, I will join your group. I'm not on any…
  • Brawler Bella, I know what you mean! Went to UTEP in El Paso. Brought some of those meals with me. Taste much better home cooked. Have switched to chicken tacos, though. Still good!
  • South Carolina beach lady here!
  • Haven't seen any McD's on my page, but lots of weight loss and nutrition. I'm obsessing, I guess! Lucky for me I don't like fast good much any more. I will go with my hubby to KFC or Burger King, where I can get a salad. I eat a fry or two from his meal, but I don't eat fried foods too much.
  • I think you should do what you feel is right for you. One important thing here, is that you not let the comments get to you. You might say to them that you appreciate their concern, but you are about healthy eating and if that means losing more weight, that is what you will do. You may need a thick skin to ignore their…