

  • Thanks you guys! I'm not dehydrated, I drink over my 8 glasses a day. Also, I don't consume a lot of salt. I DO have extremely dry skin, however, and I hate lotions, so I bet that's the culprit! I'll find some gentle lotion and see if that helps. Thanks you guys! <3
  • Don't get discouraged! I'm on my third week, and I haven't lost a single pound the past two of those weeks. Just keep it up, it's gotta fall off eventually. :D
  • Thank you guys! I'm feeling a bit better now! <3 @itsmenatalie I am taking measurements, and I did lose an inch on my waist this week. I guess I'm just so trained to follow only the scale! @NicoleMikluscak You'll get there! I have a LOT of weight to lose, which is why I probably dropped that much the first week.
  • When you put in your weight, height, and goals into MFP, what did it give you as far as calories to consume per day? I've been using that number and it's working for me. I'd go with that, personally. I think you handled the situation in New York well. 350 calories won't make or break you, since I believe there are 3,500…
  • I second this. I ADORE DDR. At one point, I lost 30lbs playing it. Gained it all back and then some, so now I'm here! I just started playing it again today and I love it. But I'm not fully convinced on the calories burned. I do a 30 minute workout on Wii Fit and am told I burn about 350 calories but I don't break a sweat.…
  • I log it for sure, and sometimes eat the calories, sometimes not. I shoot for eating half of them, just because I've read of so many people hitting plateaus for not eating any of them.
  • I REALLY needed to hear number 6...I've been beating myself up over how "obsessed" I've become, how focused I am on trying to get healthy. So it was a blessing to see you post it as something not to worry about. =)
  • Our Walgreens also has them. :) I use a flat-head screwdriver, or sometimes a butter knife, to just pry the suckers out.
  • This recipe is INCREDIBLE! I absolutely loved it, than you!
  • I really enjoy our Wii. I love Wii Fit! Many of the exercises won't leave you winded, such as the strength training, yoga, and balance games. Some of the aerobics will, but not all of them; the hula hooping and rhythmic stepping come to mind as ones that wouldn't. Plus, for me at least, having the ability to stamp progress…
    in Wii ? Comment by Kizster January 2010
  • It sounds pretty accurate to me! I have the regular Wii Fit and ADORE it! So I timed how long I spent doing each thing (yoga and aerobics). I then entered them into the database based on what I did, and it seemed to match pretty well with what you're saying. :D