

  • My stepmom actually had the same issue. She read in an article that when this happens it's called a plateau. This means that your body is starting to get used to not consuming as many calories and it is adjusting itself. All you need to do is maybe once a month (or whenever you find losing weight to be getting harder) have…
  • Starting Date 05/01/13 Ending Date 05/31/13 Height: 5'4 Starting Weight: 210 lbs Current Weight: 209.4 lbs Goal Weight: 120 lbs Goal Weight for May: 198 lbs Weigh In Days: 5/1 - 209.4 5/8 5/15 5/22 5/29 5/31 **** I just started on Sunday, so there isn't much progress...but hopefully with this group i'll be able to get the…
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