mimieon Member


  • Well, usually people say take a deficit of about 10-15% or 20% if you have A LOT to lose (if you are obese). If you are very inconsistent in how much activity you have in your days, what you can do is use the NEAT-method (like the mfp method): calculate your TDEE based on your activity excluding any exercise, and then log…
  • You should be basing your deficit on your TDEE, not your BMR. If you want a deficit of 450, subtract 450 from your TDEE. Anyway, are you weighing all your food and drinks?
  • When you were lifting, were you eating at a deficit, maintenance, or a surplus?
  • Coconut water has a lot of potassium and low calories. It is also tasty.
  • Are you seeing an endocrinologist? If not, that may be an idea.
  • This morning I blended some full fat organic yoghurt from a local farmer (it is really really good), spinach, frozen strawberries, and some skim milk. It was meant to be a smoothie but it was more like frozen yoghurt. It was really delicious O_O. Sometimes instead of regular eggs I mix pureed pumpkin if I have it (I put a…
  • Maybe they were trained with (something similar to) these mats in the past? For instance in the pound?
  • You could suggest to him that he should pursue Megan Fox/Cheerleaders/etc rather than making you feel bad about yourself. There are already a few guys lining up for your (second poster?), so it seems like a win, win, win situation. That or you can try to help him address his self-esteem issues, and hope he doesn't feel the…
  • How are you calculating how many calories you have burned with exercise?
  • Hope this helps :) : http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/819055-setting-your-calorie-and-macro-targets
  • Wow that is rude. I say "Would you have said this to me a few months ago? (answer is probably no) Then don't talk to me in this way now. I'm still the same person." Also I would just say that those are rude and hurtful comments. You don't have to explain yourself to anyone about these private matters.
  • Gaining/losing weight is all about a caloric deficit. Eating more protein and fat can help because you feel full longer. Fibers are also very good for keeping you full. There is nothing particularly bad about carbs. Just get a healthy balance of everything. Carbs, and especially the carbs with fibers are part of that.
  • Me! Of course, the society standards you talk about are part of me.
  • I had one friend (at work) who once she knew I was trying to lose weight, she told me a few times that I shouldn't be counting calories when I was looking at labels or said no thanks to food offers, and said on occasion that " I was no fun anymore". Then she also started pushing food while she didn't do that before. She…
  • You could consider upping your calories to maintenance for the week, and continuing with your deficit when you feel a bit more calm.
  • This may very well have something to do with hormones for your period. About three days before my period for instance, I usually feel really really bad - seemingly for no reason - about how I look, my career, relationship, the world, feel fat, etc. Try paying attention to your cycle, and try to be extra kind to yourself.…
  • how are you calculating your exercise calories? Are you weighing and measuring everything you consume?
  • Of course! I spent most of the holidays like this, trying to balance those days out with other days and some more exercise. And in this way, I didn't gain weight doing so.
  • Fine. If you do not exercise at all, your TDEE and NEAT are the same - however, what is indeed most important, is how you calculated your deficit in the first place and then name your 'method' based on that.
  • Then you are probably also getting a lot of sweeteners now. Not sure if it can be related to fatigue, but eating a lot of those can have some fun side-effects (headaches, they can also work as a laxative I think). May see what happens if you remove that from your diet as well.
  • What I think is fun is that when you do the NEAT method and don't exercise, then you are also using the TDEE method.
  • I understand that that is your point, that is why I reiterated it. I just don't think it is very important, I guess.
  • So are you now drinking 30 cans of diet coke?
  • This just seems a discussion centered around semantics and actually nitpicking. Lets say I start with the "TDEE method" and I currently do not exercise at all, so I pick the TDEE matching my activity level (for instance pretty much sedentary or maybe lightly active). Then after a week, I add exercise 2 days a week to my…
  • If you have a piece of fat and a piece of muscle that have the same volume, the piece of muscle weighs more. Which is the same as saying if you have a piece of fat and one of muscle of the same weight, the muscle is smaller. People tend to say that they weigh the same, which is like the joke/riddle kids play on eachother:…
  • Why did you make this topic? Because you know people are going to try to convince you not to give up, and really you do not want to give up. You just want to have a little pity party. It sounds like you have low self esteem (all this talk about being a failure) and you are actively playing out this pattern again now, by…
  • Definitely eat those exercise calories if you are using mfp settings. If you worry that the number of burnt calories are overestimated, eat like 2/3 of them or something. Another thing to consider for the headaches is caffeine withdrawal.
  • You could start by just weighing and logging what you are eating now - everything, but without a calorie deficit. This will give you an idea of where you are at. After a while (lets say a week or two) Then pick a reasonable rate to lose weight (say 1 pound a week or less), tell it to mfp, and stick to that. You can slowly…
  • Two pounds is something you should celebrate anyway. However, are you actually counting calories?