

  • I have struggled with bulimia for years. I find this difficult too. Anytime you want to talk.....
  • Wow - I can relate to everything you are saying. I have a chocolate lab who was my best source of positive energy during my dirorce. There is a good book called Broken Open which focuses on how such a devestating experience can actually be an opportunity for something wonderful to happen after you have healed. I know that…
  • The important thing is to love yourself. That is hard - I know. I have been through a divorce and felt the same way you do now. However, your boyfriend did not love you unconditionally and you deserve that type of love. You need to take it one day at a time, love yourself and teach others how to treat you.
  • Hi there I have been following the 1200 calorie diet and have been cooking recipes from the book "The eat clean diet cookbook" by Tosca Reno. The foods are delicious, but you are eating very clean. I have had weight issues due to having my thyroid removed and have not lost weight in weeks even though I do 2 hours of…
  • Hi Montana Girl Yes, I get my levels checked often and I am in the normal range. I think that going off the meds for 6 weeks prior to treatment (which is required) and thus being below baseline takes its toll. I am also 36 which does not help.
  • Thanks for the support! Are you avoiding all whole grain breads too?
  • HI there I am new to this site as of yesterday. I am trying to lose my last 5 pounds of 20, but it is taking forever. The reason is that I had my thyroid removed last year due to cancer and am now artifically stimulated via levothyroxine. I had to go off my drugs for my radiation treatment in the summer and this is when I…
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