tebe0005 Member


  • Some weight training in certain areas should help, but it's mostly genetics I believe... But if the problem is the waist (after weight loss and especially if you're a rectangle shape) doing some waist training with corsets MADE for waist training (not cheap $5-20 ones on ebay) can definitely help slowly mold you into more…
  • Only heart problems I know of was my grandfather needed a triple bypass, but that was like 10 years ago and he was like 70 or so. Ok. So it's probably nothing to worry about seriously, but just to be safe I'll just skip the 30DS for now and do mild exercise, keep my heart around 170max, just go slower but longer on the…
  • Not really, except more recently I've been getting some exercise induced asthma symptoms; I should probably be warming up even more. I don't even know my heart rates from past years since whenever you got to the doctor they just take your blood pressure--and that's all good, but HR is a completely different thing :(
  • Thanks for your reply :) I'm 5'2" turning 24 this month and weight around 165lbs, ideal weight is 110-125ish I think. But I have been seriously sedentary for the past 2 years (unemployed living on the couch depressed kinda' thing) hoping that or the birth control I take for my acne is causing it but need to be sure.
  • Thanks! :) For now I guess I should switch out some of my sweet treats for eggs, yogurt, and cottage cheese.
  • Haha, awesome! I'm in :) I just finished day 3 of the30DS. Extremely sore but loving it! Can't wait to finish and move on to her other videos. :) (and constant jumping jacks have made me realize I really need to layer up on the sports bras--ow)
  • I had the same problem- MFP seems to think everyone can live on 1200, and for some reason even with all the right information doesn't bother to try to compute BMR... I was STARVING on 1200... I kept exercising just so I could eat back the calories; I was going insane. Found out my BMR is 1568 and OMG I'm so much happier…
  • There's no magic number, you need to be hydrated enough that your urine isn't dark, (light to medium yellow) and then drink enough to replace what you pee/ sweat/ cry/ lose overall. You may need to drink extra water if you're feeling extra tired, have a headache, feel lightheaded, etc. Your body will let you know when you…
  • Apple Crisp. Hands down,. Anytime we make it I try to eat just one piece or avoid it all together, but anytime I walk into the kitchen I shovel it into my mouth until I'm full. ugh. Haven't made any since last fall thank god... But my sister keeps saying we should make it. And I'm just like "NOOOO! D:< " I just started my…
  • The progress is so obvious and amazing for such a short amount of time :) Totally encouraging for me since it looks like your body type is similar to mine; I just stared my journey and most of my exercise comes from Just dance and DDR too :) Keep up the good work, and good luck! You look amazing!