

  • I will agree with everyone here, 1. be happy with .5 lb or 1 lb a week weight loss. 2. Try shorter more frequent work outs - less aerobic work outs. Try 10 -15 minute walks on treadmill or around the block. 3. Strength training keeps up the metabolism for longer afterwards and I don't work up a sweat by resting between…
  • Ww has it place for some people, lost 30 lbs on the program but need to lose more. I have MS and lose weight slowly. I found great support at first, when I adjusted what I ate and lost weight just because of that, but soon was at a calorie limit and I only lose weight about 1 lb per week. The judgement was too hard at the…
  • I personally just joined the group because I hired a nutrition coach that recommended fitness pal. I was crushed when she told me that expecting to lose weight just with exercise was unrealistic. When I shared my feelings she questioned why I was crushed. I suppose it was the statement that I couldn't do what i use to do…