Mavrick_RN Member


  • Beef jerky. Salty and very filling True it's not particularly low cal but a little goes a long way and I don't need to eat that much of it for my salt fix.
  • Losing weight is NOT about working out. It's about taking in fewer calories than you burn. You have plenty of time to eat less. You will run out of time for excuses though and yes, the American Public will hold you accountable for your health choices. More importantly, YOU will suffer. Nursing is a physically demanding…
  • It's a habit. I had to really focus on not stopping by McDonald's on the way home from work (at 10:00 at night). A block or two before the turn off, I got in the right hand lane so I wouldn't automatically turn in. I would have a planned snack at home then brush my teeth. Food doesn't taste very good right after…
  • You don't want friends. You want someone to blame for your failure.
  • Since when is 4 weeks "long term" starvation? You are NOT gaining muscle. Die. Myths. Die.
  • Can anyone seriously believe the weight gain is anything other than water???? In three days you think you can manufacture seven pounds of what? Fat? Muscle? Blood cells? It's not real body tissue. It's just a number. If you can't stop obsessing over a number on a scale you have more health problems than you think.
  • Normal people do not need 3L of water a day. If you are a roofer in Tucson in July, 3L would be a fine suggestion .
  • Just a reminder: muscle is NOT heavier than fat. That is a fact.
  • Think of exercise for it's fitness benefits, not an excuse to eat more calories. If you must, go to the exercise page and pick a cardio exercise that seems close to what you do (walking, running etc.) and give yourself 100 calories. You don't have to take the calories they fill in for you.
  • See if you can stay off full-cal sugar-infused pop for a month. That is a huge change right there. Like PP said, try diet pop if you need the caffeine or carbonation. This is not a quick fix website. We're in it for the long haul of a sustainable lifestyle. Plenty of other places that will take money from desperate people.
  • By the very nature of their decision to go against "Nature". Same way, all short people are not tall. "All of them".
  • Some people can't handle the scale. They "freak out". Just stop weighing!!! You didn't weigh yourself multiple times a day when you were getting fat, so you've proved you can do it. Take serial pictures of yourself wearing the same outfit, standing in the same position and see the real changes. That number on the scale is…
  • BTW, How old are you and do you have any kind of science background?
  • Ruin it for everybody with a bride all cinched up and about to puke. What a memorable day.
  • No, cheating is cheating. You should just give up now. or Cut yourself some slack and stop feeling guilty. The excessive guilt will cause you much more trouble than an occasional overindulgence.
  • I knew what you meant but I wanted to razz you that OP is not just "skinny" but has other issues that amount to undesirable baggage. OP admits to being "underweight" and called "skinny" but is still not satisfied with that and wants to lose more weight. That is what I call a mental health disorder. By my saying "nobody…
  • This is so wrong and misguided. Nobody wants a mental health disorder. Who would trade sanity for vanity? I'm not saying nobody does it but it is a very poor health choice. Repeated plastic surgeries are a sad example. Being skinny/underweight/undernourished is not a fix for obesity.
  • The ONE AND ONLY Diet Dr. Pepper. So good, my blood fizzes when I donate. Depending on region of the country (Dr. Pepper originates in Plano, TX) caffeine-free is available in cans and 2-liter bottles. Here in Seattle I enjoy Cherry Diet Dr. Pepper. Now you got me cravin'. TTFN
  • You said it Bro! The "You might be accidentally building muscle" stuff is so whack-a-doodle. Building muscle takes WORK!
  • Seriously ???? I'm having a Twilight Zone moment. When Oh When, will this muscle heavier than fat misguided thinking STOP.
  • With bingeing it's not so much the calories (though 2500 calories is well on it's way to destroying a week's deficit) as the behavior. That out of control eating is what got most of us into trouble in the first place. It creeps from one meal on one day to "I'm not losing any weight anyway so I give up" and you go back to a…
  • When you stop losing weight you will change that behavior pdq.
  • The week was not a total loss (pun intended). You learned: If your tracking was accurate, the amount of calories it takes to maintain your present weight. Subtract 500/day from that to lose 1 lb a week. You learned: "Trying to move more" is not the same as "I will briskly walk 20 minutes three days this week". Yoda was not…
  • What's the point of logging if it's not accurate? Logging that you ate 1200 calories doesn't mean you actually ate 1200 calories. You don't really know how much you are eating until you accurately weigh it. As you get closer to a normal/healthy body weight those extra unmeasured calories will make the difference. Your body…
  • If you set yourself up for a long and difficult journey you won't lose any of it let alone 50 kilos. Nobody can motivate you, so go back to rethink why YOU want to lose weight. The new lifestyle can have a lot of benefits, feel more energetic, sleep better, hurt less, spend less money on food, eat less enjoy it more.
  • I watch my FitbitCharge HR calorie accumulation with fascination and totally ignore the totals with regard to calorie intake. I apparently burn 3500 to 4000 calories a day but by eating closer to the 1800 calories I am allocated by MFP, I lose about 1.5 to 2lbs a week. It totally over estimates calorie burn but it's fun to…
  • The usual rhetoric with the phrase "I'm losing fat and putting on muscle" shows a great deal of wishful thinking like "muscle weighs more than fat", so it was a total guess based on few real facts that OP is actually working a significant lifting program. Perhaps I was also led astray by the profile picture which I assumed…
  • Proper fitting shoes are a hiker's best friend. Get your shoes and get them warmed up and broken in where it is easy to get a new pair. Don't test anything new on the trail (or be prepared to learn from unpleasant lessons). Have a great time. Meet people, share your story and listen to theirs. Have a GREAT time!
    in Hiking Comment by Mavrick_RN June 2016
  • A much better reply is: You hiked the Grand Canyon! Totally Freakin' Awesume. You are part of the small percentage of persons who visit the Canyon that actually got to see it from the inside. What trail did you take down? What trail out?
  • Well, if you want to police everybody's posts until they meet your standards then have at it. People post what they want, just as you did. Some considered your post ridiculous and told you so, feel free to ignore them. Jumping on how "rude" they were makes you seem like some princess that's overly sensitive and requires…