vlvaldes Member


  • I *LOVE* cake and cookies! So I allow myself to indulge in a small bit/piece at the END of the day, after I've had a good mound of fresh veggies (raw or steamed). For me, eating sugary foods earlier in the day results in a sugar crash that makes me crave, and give in to, more sweets. But if I wait until the end of the day,…
  • drink a TALL glass of water, eat a small piece of chicken or lean meat (1-2 oz), and whatever green veggie you can find, raw or steamed, followed by another TALL glass of water. Ignoring my hunger leads me to binge and regret, so I've learned to eat a little bit when my body asks, and do some extra pushups or situps to…
  • When I get tired of the music to a workout video that I like, I just put the tv/laptop on mute, and listen to my favorite mix cd in the boombox or tunes on my MP3. I get a good workout that I like, with different music to distract my brain from the pain or discomfort. :-)