tantinah Member


  • I will also be doing my second Whole 30 starting Jan 1 - feel free to add me :)
  • Here are some things that helped me 1) having kale, chard, collards cooked and packed in boxes in the fridge. Then all I had to do was find a protein and add the veggie to it. 2) Kirkland (costco brand) turkey breast (doesn't have nitrates), this was my go to lunch protein 3)my cookbooks (Well Fed, Paleo comfort foods,…
  • Same also feel free to add me, I am newer to whole30/paleo but have gotten pretty good at it. Always looking for supportive paleo friends.
  • on day 12 today - it feels great :) also not as hard as I thought it would be.
  • Have someone in your class hold you accountable and call you or text you. If you can carpool with someone and they are depending on you to pick them up for example, then that adds a lot of motivation b/c you would be letting them down. Or tell everyone you know you are going to the 5 am crossfit class (post it on FB!) and…
  • There are a bunch of us here doing the Whole30 - like a detox off of sugar/processed foods into Paleo. Here is some info about it http://whole9life.com/start/ I am on day 10 and it has been a lot easier than I thought. I love having even energy levels all day.
  • My take on the fruit was that you can have fruit as long as you are not using the fruit to feed your sugar cravings. I would guess that 2-3 servings of fruit is fine. Tried a butternut squash hash for breakfast today - it was delicious! http://urbanposer.blogspot.com/2012/01/apple-butternut-squash-bacon-breakfast.html
  • Hi there! I also started whole30 on March 4. Using recipes from Well fed and Paleo comfort foods. Same, feel free to add me if anyone wants to do this together :)
  • Hi there, just started the Whole30 on 3/4 also! Doing pretty good, felt good to have even levels of energy throughout the day.