

  • Hi. My name is Carmen....I have a vitamix blender/juicer.......for about 3 months I made a blender full of the following along with water and ice in it.....I drank on it all day long however, I still ate meals......I didn't do it for a diet so to speak...I did it along with a friend of mine that has cancer....Her doctor…
  • Please Please don't stop...............!!!!!!! You are doing a wonderful job...........yes, it seems to take forever however we didn't put it on over night either.........I've only been on his site for 2 weeks and sad to say haven't lost anything......SO YOU ARE DOING WONDERFUL......You are motivating me to keep…
  • I am new to this webpage........HAPPY FOR YOU...............NOT SURE HOW TO HELP EACH OTHER OUT ON HERE.....MAYBE YOU CAN HELP ME UNDERSTAND THIS............I've been dieting for 2 weeks and have NOT LOST ONE POUND.......I am very frustrated........I SURE HOPE YOU CAN HELP ME...........WOW----10 POUNDS...........WAY TO…
  • I asked Alecia when I approached her about the Vi Shakes about the "program and the selling"...Cause I personally do NOT fall for those things.....She never tried to get me to sell the product nor was she pushy, she has only been supportive.....I even asked her if I decided to sell it after I lost weight would that be…
  • I have just started on Vi Shakes....They are SO GOOD......The promoter has been wonderful to me, she has been avaiable via facebook each time I ask her a question, she has lost over 130 pds, (she showed me photos of before and after), She has even called to see how I am doing and has given me "free" products....I needed a…