

  • that actually doesn't sound too torturous! :) I just keep hearing if God didn't make it, you shouldn't be eating it - never mind just gluten but all the processed crap we put in our bodies is ridiculous, no wonder we have so many more problems than people did years and years ago!
  • waving back! lol I know what you mean about long list, even after going gluten free after being diagnosed with celiac disease, about a year later I started getting sick again so am now on elimination diets - right now it's dairy, egg, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage and doc said now that i'm GF my body is…
  • Welcome, I'm a week into my fitness pal and just have to say it's been the best motivator for me - for one, you can link it up to your facebook and twitter so whenever you enter anything it posts it to your accounts (if you want it to) - talk about motivation for not going over your cal intake, gaining pounds and tracking…
  • I'm down to that! I started off needing 33 lbs to lose - start weight 163 - I'm now down to between 148.2-150.2 that I seem to be stuck at, my goal's 130 - a lot of people tell me for my frame it's too much but it's not I don't think! I'm 5'7" and medium built!