

  • Finished L2D8 (Day 18 Overall)! WELCOME ABOARD PrincessDesiray! I'm glad that you enjoyed your first day of the shred. I think you'll enjoy it more and more as you continue to do it. Congrats on your awesome weight lose thus far! leeslim4life - We all have days that we'd rather forget. Either we ate too much or for no good…
  • Ditto Debbie! It's so important to balance exercise with proper nutrition. Portion sizes and caloric intake are so keep. Last year I could not image counting calories but this year I know that I would not be 8lbs lighter if I did not. I like the idea of rewarding yourself. Soon I'll hit the mall for a new item or two as…
  • L2D6 (Day 16 overall) DONE! Oh the joy in saying that I'm done :wink: As I read through the thread, I can relate to the fact this journey has it's ups and downs but we are all motivated and encouraged by one another to keep going. I'm going to take a moment today to email some of the people that I haven't seen on the…
  • Oops! I meant to say that this is the first time in a couple of days that Jillian has NOT had to push me. For all of you early risers, I think that's great! I have worked out in the wee hours of the morning and in the evening and I must say that I prefer the morning. Simply put, it's a great way to start the day. As long…
  • So happy to have completed L2D5 (Day 15 overall)! I feel GREAT! This is the first time in the last couple of days that Jillian has had to push me. I now push myself. I'm so happy to see how this thread is growing. Can you imagine how many pounds have collectively been shed or should I say "shred?" :smile: Okay, shreded for…
  • L2D4 (Day 14 overall) Done! I actually enjoyed doing the walking push ups today. I couldn't believe it! I've got to give a shout out to Jillian. Eventhough she'll probably never read this thread, she is living proof that when you find what you are put on this earth to do and do it, so many people benefit from it. Have a…
  • Welcome aboard Periphria and all of the other newbies to this thread! I rushed home from work to get my work out in but after a few minutes of sitting on my comfortable sofa, I thought about skipping the shred today. Then I read this thread and knew what I had to do. L2D3 (13th day overall) is now complete! I can't say it…
  • Just wanted to wish you all the best as you start work on Monday. I'm sure that you'll be stronger than you've ever been! Congrats and thanks again for leading the way on this thread. Melissa
  • Mimi , I'm so excited that you are on the last leg of this journey! You go girl! Can't wait to hear what level 3 is like. I really don't want to watch the in advance video for fear that I'll chicken out. I'd prefer to just do it when I get to that time. But for know, hearing about it will be preparation enough for me.…
  • L2D2 DONE! It feels good to be done for the day. This is my 12th day overall. If you've ever wanted to know what it feels like to be a Radio City Rocket, try Jillian's high kicks in level two. This level is certainly more challenging because of all of the upper body work and the fact that most of us are working parts of…
  • Good Morning Shredders! I did L2 D1 today! What an experience!!! As always, when the work out was over I felt great! It was challenging to say the least but after L1 it was good to see a nice progression. I'm so proud of all of you. You are really very inspiring. Looking forward to L2 D2 tomorrow and day 12 of the Shred…
  • Hello everyone! After serveral days away from the shred, I'm back. Just finished day 10 (L1) and am looking forward to starting L2 tomorrow. Keep up the good work! You are all doing so well. Melissa
  • Hello Shredder Friends! I had a fabulous time hosting my sister's bridal shower in sunny S. Florida. We spent a lot of time doing things in preparation for her wedding. We were constantly on the go. Needless to say, I haven't done the shred since last Thursday. Instead I've been walking a lot and counting my calories. I've…
  • Good Morning All! "Oh what a feelin, to be dancing on the ceiling!" Okay, I'm not dancing yet so what I should really be saying is, "what a difference a day makes." Yesterday, I struggled but today's workout was GREAT! Completed L1D8 today. On Thursday, I'll begin L2 but for now, I'm glad that I've finally gotten into the…
  • Good Morning everyone! On Friday, I lost my first pound. Yeah! Just finished L1 D7. I hoped to finish day 7 last week but I my monthly "friend" decided to pay me a visit and zapped the energy out of me. I found that today's workout was even harder than the first day. That's likely do to the fact that it's been a few days…
  • Welcome to all of the new members! As Melissa H. said, this is one of the most supportive groups so let me take this opportunity to thank Kathy (pmjsmom) for initiating this wonderful thread. I didn't get a chance to post yesterday but I did L1D5 and L1D6 today. Can't wait to make it to Day 7! Today I decided that I would…
  • Happy Tuesday Everyone! I just completed day 4 of level one. I'm finally starting to feel like this is getting a little bit more managable (I'm not ready to say easier yet). Still "pushing" through those push ups though. After I finish the first cardio circuit I feel like the most challenging part is over. I can actually…
  • Hi Wedding princess! Congratulations on taking the necessary steps to break the family cycle and live a healthy, active life. Your teens and twenties are precious years and I'm sure that you want to make the most of them. I think that your reference "too young to feel this old" simply means that you feel burdened down by…
  • Please don't be discouraged. I think that there is some portion of this excercise that we all find challenging. For me it's the pushups, but I'm not complaining. I'm confident that before you know it, these workouts will become more managable. Since I've only completed day 3 of level one I can't say that it's easier but it…
  • Congratulations! What a phenominal acheivement! Maybe you could share some tips on getting and staying motivated. Anyone else with tips please feel free to add. Your story is motivation for me. I think I'll start tracking the number of days that I workout. Thanks for sharing! Melissa
  • Good Morning! I just finished Day 2 - Level 1 of the 30 Day Shred. My arms were sore from doing it yesterday (which didn't help much when I was doing those beloved pushups) but aside from that it was good. I always feel like I can conquer the world when I'm done. Doesn't it feel great to finish what you started? My plan of…
  • Happy New Year! It just joined this site yesterday and completed my first day of the 30 Day Shred this morning. The pushups were a little bit challenging but it was worth it! I hope to do this workout 3-5 times a week and would love to join all of you. Melissa