TheQueenofBee Member


  • Yeah I didn't mean to be confusing on the hours. I meant to say that I record my calories from midnight to midnight. I'm sure that the stall has to do with the flip flop back and forth. It's just irritating. :explode: :sad:
  • I developed PF during my last pregnancy. I saw a podiatrist, and didn't get any relief with the usual rest, ice, night splint, cortisone shots, etc. I looked into what was causing the PF in the first place, and while I know my weight is a factor, it also has to do with tight calf muscles. I found a chiropractor who does…
  • I've had trouble with plantar fasciitis (not like the pain you're having), and after going to a podiatrist and having it xrayed and getting no relief, I finally found a chiropractor that could treat it. He does a form of stretching called ART (active release technique) and graston on my foot and calf. It's taken a few…
  • I haven't cut out anything, but I do try to stay away from bread. I am very conscious however of how MUCH I am eating. Yes I am the crazy lady who takes measuring cups to a restaurant with me! I want to know exactly how much I eat, because my eyes deceive me. :) Simply being accountable to myself and knowing every calorie…