bschafers Member


  • I got the package deal w/ all the different workouts and it comes with the "toning sticks". It was like $70 on Amazon and I love it :) Good luck!
  • I am a working mother of 2 (2 1/2 & 1) and have to drive about 45 minutes to my office, so that leaves very little room for working out! I get up at 4:30 or 5 am (depending on the length of workout) so that I can exercise and then get everyone ready for the day. If I can't get my butt out of bed (which is more often than I…
  • Thanks so much for posting this - just made them & am in love :)
  • Wow! That's a crazy schedule! I have a similar one, but I don't have to leave for work until 7, so I can get up at 4:30, workout and then get myself and the kids ready. Is there any way that you could work in a few minutes at the Y or something after work? I have several co-workers that do that and then get to drive home…
  • Thanks everyone! I think I'll go ahead and order the DVDs and give them a shot!