

  • That is amazing!!! Definitely going to try that!!!! Thanks
  • I dont know if this helps, but I've heard quite a fe times that treat days are good for 2 reasons... 1, You get to have what you want and if you dont have these days you will end up bingeing massively 2, you trick your body into thinking that your gonna start eating loads again, and it starts to work a bit harder to burn…
  • THANK YOU!!!! Thats been a massive help! I've only been doing the calorie counting for a few days so I'll up it to 1200 tomorrow and I dont think it should matter too much! I'll defo check out that shake, and when you say original yoghurt do you mean plain natural yoghurt?!?!
  • You've all been brilliant! Thank you! I am LOVING the peanut butter and banana idea! Definitely my new snack!! and just nuts in general! As of tomorrow I will up my calorie intake to 1200!! And keep you all posted as to how I'm getting on. Does anybody know if there should be a certain time you shouldnt eat after? Baring…
  • How am i starving myself ?!?! I honestly dont feel hungry enough to eat more!!! I'm not intentionally starving myself I promise!! Please give me good snack ideas and tips. So shall I change my calorie intake to 1200? and if so how many lb's a week should I be losing on that?!?! Thank you again guys!!!
  • Thank you for your help so far. Im going to make my diary public so check back in a few mins to see if you can help me please. Im doing so little calories because I need to lose weight a little quicker than 2 lbs a week. I like the snacking idea. But I feel as though I'm eating non stop if I snack too!!! And in my head I…
  • Thank you so much everyone! It seems that everyone has something positive to say! I look forward to reaching my goal with ease now! Good Luck to you all!!! I look forward to hearing your success stories!!! :smile: