

  • I think it's Mariska Hargitay--she is drop-dead gorgeous! I am probably wrong, too...about her name! My faves are Lena Headey (Sara Conner from the tv series "the Terminator"), the guy from 30 Rock season 1 who now does all of those funny Allstate commercials (you know the ones-- he's a deer, or a snowdrift on the garage…
  • Thanks for that, I will give it a try! Don't know if you are a tomato fan, but I used to work in a Tex-Mex restaurant, and we always topped off our retail guac with a thin layer of freshly diced tomato. It prevents the reaction that turns the guac. brown when exposed to air. Just a tip! Purely aesthetic! Anyway, happy…
  • My trainer just told me today that people who work out a lot--sounds like you--you extra calorie earner(!) should have a higher level of protein than some of these online journals lead us to believe. This website, like all others, is canvassing a wide range of people so that they aren't held liable for any specific…
  • I'm going for 35 as well! It is true that we have been putting our bodies through too much by carrying around this extra weight. I like your idea of visualizing the amount of excess weight--rather than just having a number rambling around in my head! I remember Oprah wheeling out a red wagon of butter once for either…
  • Protein, protein, protein! Do a search for high protein foods, and work from there! I always find that I am more fulfilled if the protein is high in a snack--my fave is the Clif Builder's Bars. They pack a whopping 20 protein points per bar--that is about 5-6X higher than most snack bars. Good luck!