

  • however you have to change channels to get back to the tv, that is what you do. just leave the wii on and the games that tell you that you can change the channel, like the free step, will say "watch tv if you want" and then you go to the tv channel you want and you should hear the wii remote telling you what to do
  • Im a teen too! Ive been heavy my whole life, but towards the end of 2009 my father was put into the hospital for 8 weeks. there were tons of people bringing food over and my mom, sisters and i ended up eating really unhealthy and on a very srambled schedule. The about 2 weeks before christmas, my grandpa got very sick from…
  • Its great! I use it all the time, and there is all different types of games and workouts you can do, you can even create your own fitness plan and follow that everyday. There is one exercise where you have to step onto the balance board in time with the rythm that the wii remote makes and you can change the channel to…
  • one piece of pizza with cheese, pepperoni and reguar crust has about 300 calories. but if you get thin crust and veggies it would have less. try
  • thanks for posting this! sounds so good im probably going to try them tomorrow
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