Calling all teens!



  • I wanta join!!!!!!!
    My name is markiee :)
    I'm slightly younger than my profile says.
    shh... ;)
    I'm 323 pounds *cringes*
    and my goal weight is 150 asap.
  • BoilerUpSlimDown
    BoilerUpSlimDown Posts: 17 Member
    I'm in! I need some motivation to get back in shape!
    SW: 147
    CW: 146
    GW: 142.5 by spring break
  • Welcome markie & cuervo!! :drinker: :drinker:
  • Where is everyone?
  • hey y'all!!! how's it going? i just finished my first week of classes and am SOOO ready for the 3-day weekend. It's been busy because my sorority is doing recruitment this weekend and everything's been a little chaotic becuase of that, but I've still been making time to go to the gym, and trying to make healthier decisions when eating.

    i'd been doing pretty well all this week, and when i went to the gym on wednesday i was down at 153. i went a little crazy with food on thursday, though, and by friday i was up to 158! i went to the gym this morning and was back at 155, but i really don't want to ruin everything!
  • hey, i am new on here and i need help from giving in to the temptations of chocolatey goodness!! does any one have any tips for how to stop getting sugary food cravings? also, what exercise does everyone do?? i have to big up pilates it is amazing, give it a go soo good :D much love xxx
  • That sounds sooooo awesome!!!!

    Stupid question though.
    Do you just watch for posts with similar titles or actually "Join" a group like on other sites?
  • Hey, I'll join too! Just to let you guys/girls now, I am a little slow as I have some disabilities, so if I don't understand you right away please don't get mad. ^^ Anyways, here's my stats: lol

    Starting Weight: 166.6 lbs (started on MFP)
    Current Weight: 175.9 lbs
    Goal Weight: 138 lbs (hopefully by the summer!)

    I did exercise for 90 minutes today (burned 433 calories) Looking forward to dinner as we're eating tacos! hehe
  • raleigh
    raleigh Posts: 87 Member
    sorry i havent been checking in lately
    i lost a lb since going back to school but lately ive been forgetting why i want to eat less. i clean my plate too much. but, I am feeling really good, really drinking much less, and working out almost every day.
  • I had my 1st weigh in today and lost 5.6 lbs! :) (since using this site regularly) :)
  • sims3 - way to go!! keep it up!!

    I've totally bombed in my eating and excercising this week guys but luckily when I checked myself on the scale I was still at 239. whew.

  • You can do it Kym! :) Maybe if you find walking boring you can listen to an mp3 player or something if you have one! :) That's what I do and I walk about 60-120 minutes a day :) Makes it much more fun! tehe
  • hey i just join MFP and so far i like the support..

    I weigh 135 and would like to weigh 125 by spring break! i have about 6 weeks!
  • taylorfriedchicken
    taylorfriedchicken Posts: 47 Member
    Hey guys!
    I'm pretty new to MFP as well.

    I'm 19, 5'4"

    current weight (as of 1/18): 176.2

    goal weight: 150 but I would love to get down to 140

    My beginning weight on Dec. 31st 2009 was 188.8 (my heaviest = ( )

    Before MFP, I was able to lose the 12.6 pounds.

    I'm so excited that I can finally accurately track my calorie intake, as well as other nutritional facts, to help further my weight loss since I am now know what exactly I am eating.

    I will probably not be on the forum constantly but I will definitely keep you guys updated.
  • raleigh
    raleigh Posts: 87 Member
    hey taylor, welcome! MFP really makes it so you arent dieting; its not just temporary. youll be great!

    kym- where in GA are you from?
  • BoilerUpSlimDown
    BoilerUpSlimDown Posts: 17 Member
    I'm starting to get used to this whole eating healthy thing and I'm feeling great. I've lost about 4 pounds since the New Year, which I wasn't expecting, but I won't complain :smile: . I guess I'll be changing my Spring break goal to 137.5!
    hey, i am new on here and i need help from giving in to the temptations of chocolatey goodness!! does any one have any tips for how to stop getting sugary food cravings? also, what exercise does everyone do?? i have to big up pilates it is amazing, give it a go soo good :D much love xxx

    If you have to have chocolate, I recomend sugar free moo bars, vanilla ice cream covered in chocolate, which are only about 100 calories.
  • hey taylor, welcome! MFP really makes it so you arent dieting; its not just temporary. youll be great!

    kym- where in GA are you from?

    I'm close to Valdosta :smile:
  • thanks for the advice elcuervo, i will try that :D
  • Im a teen too! Ive been heavy my whole life, but towards the end of 2009 my father was put into the hospital for 8 weeks. there were tons of people bringing food over and my mom, sisters and i ended up eating really unhealthy and on a very srambled schedule. The about 2 weeks before christmas, my grandpa got very sick from his cancer coming back, and partly i think just old age. For 2 weeks our whole family was over there and got takeout or some sort of comfort food for dinner. He ended up dying on Christmas eve and from the until new years all i did was eat. I weighed myself on january 6th and i weighed 220 pounds! I was amazed so i saw this app on my itouch and i wanted to try it. I think this is such a great idea, and i wish everyone luck.

  • Yellow
    Yellow Posts: 1
    omg i totally want to join! :smile:
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