I HATE going to the gym,, i always felt so uncomfortable and thinking everyone was looking at me,, but (and this is the strangest thing), i love working out OUTSIDE!!!!!!! i dont care who sees me running,, or doing bootcamp outside,, but hate it indoors in the gym,,, what gives?? :)
Im exactly the same,, specially if ive done bootcamp or a run,, i find myself having to make a mad dash for the porcelane,, glad its not just me :-)
Thank you,,, that is awsome!!!!
thanks guys :)
thanks man :)
Hi,, i started at 280 pounds and after a year of hard work and a complete change of lifestyle i am down to 231 pounds,, and would really like to lose another 49.. i do a lot of running and other cardio exercise,,
i used to be like that but then joined a "bootcamp" company called the outdoor fitness company,,, clues kinda in the name ha ha,, and that was the end of the nerves,, if i wanted to get fit i would have to just suck up my gut,, and i had a big one,, and get on with it..
I only started running seriously 2 weeks ago,, and on wednesday morning i decided to do my first 10 k,, which actually ended up being more like 11k.. anyway,, i managed it in 1 hour 24 minutes,, not a bad time for a 16.5 stone chunky butt lol,, i found having good music, and by that i mean something with a beat that i can…
i do really like the show,, but i think they have it all wrong,, i mean,, what is more off putting than getting booted off even though the guys lose phenomenal amounts of weight,,,, i think that they should all stay in right until the end, then the person who really has the biggest weight loss after going through the full…
aaah right,, i think ive got active there
added :)
when i started my weight loss journey i wanted to lose 84 lbs,, so far lost around 42, so half way there :),, add me pleeeaassee
Helloo,, we could all use some encouragement from time to time,, i'll add you all lol
Hello,, thats awsome,, request sent
if i wasnt hungry i wouldnt eat it,, but if i was i would probably eat a salad or somethig,, sad or what
and yes its all i listen to
Thanks guys,, Ricky i've just checked and 1 stone is 14 pounds :)
feel free to add me guys
great thanks guys,, also if anyone wants to add me as a contact youre more than welcome :smile: