

  • Michelle, you are going to see results. You might want to put the scale away and use another means of measuring your progress - such as: (1) tape measure. (2) you could do a fitness test: Walk/run a mile at a pace that is right at the border between hard and comfortable. and time it. (3) Keeping up your program, do it the…
  • True, but don't be a smart a** or people won't feel free to comment.
  • Covert Bailey, exercise physiologist and author of Fit or Fat - recommends the use of HRM to make sure you are working out at the right level of exertion. http://www.mindspring.com/~ronstein/Articles2/Target%20Heart%20Rate.htm If the goal is to become more fit, by making your body a "better butter burner" (which in effect…
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