

  • hi just reading your site wondering what is 5:2? fast day recipes is this another sort of way to help loose weight.. sorry if im being nosey but we all need all the help we can get lol thanks great recipes by the way :)
  • hi there im also new to this .. you have a great tool now with this mfp im loving it, i would if your eating at resteraunts and the like just make sure that when you get your food you choose healthy stuff. and things that you can edit. meat and salad is a good choice, tuna and salad. just avoid all the chips and greasy…
  • thanks for that its hard to know what are preservatives but i guess sometimes there just hidden in things.. but ohh well take out as many as possibly can here
  • hi my name is jacqui ive just joined and loving it already it really keeps you focusing on your daily intake. i also live in australia wonderful place it is i live in mandurah south of perth surrounded by water. oops sorry for those having floods atm not good. mandurah if you havent heard of it is were the crab fest is…
  • fantastic effort on your weight loss im new to the sight and i can only hope with some of the amazing weight losses here that i can eventually be one of those.. again well done