how to get started...

Hi All,

I don't know where to start with this app??

I generally eat outside(like a eatery and small cheap restaurants daily )..I know I shouldn't be doing this,but preparing for a single guy with my daily routine is an costly affair..

Can some one give me guidelines on how to proceed ...


  • MG_Fit
    MG_Fit Posts: 1,143 Member
    Are you wondering how to enter foods from restaurants into MFP?
  • clubbylicious
    hi there im also new to this .. you have a great tool now with this mfp im loving it, i would if your eating at resteraunts and the like just make sure that when you get your food you choose healthy stuff. and things that you can edit.
    meat and salad is a good choice, tuna and salad. just avoid all the chips and greasy foods and dont go overboard on the added stuff like dressings ect..

    you can eat out at places just have to watch what you have and watch what they give you and PUT IT IN MFP while your their be true to yourself add every little morsal or your denying yourself a truthful outcome..

    hope you find your way and welcome. i hope you end up enjoying this as much as i have found it
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    Hi All,

    I don't know where to start with this app??

    I generally eat outside(like a eatery and small cheap restaurants daily )..I know I shouldn't be doing this,but preparing for a single guy with my daily routine is an costly affair..

    Can some one give me guidelines on how to proceed ...

    Start by eating better. If you insist on eating out, eat half of what they give you and take the rest home. And by the way... eating out is rarely less expensive than cooking for 1, so next time take your excuses elsewhere. Make sure you have a reasonably balanced diet - some fats, some protein, some carbs.

    Then get some exercise. Ideally a nice mix of cardio and heavy strength training, but at the very least get yourself moving a bit more.

    If you are wondering about how to use MFP, ready through the FAQs and help section. Most of the basics are covered there.