

  • I started 2014 consciously eating more because I did a fitness challenge in the Fall and followed a "cut" to drop weight...then I got stuck in that low-cal mindset thru Nov-Dec (minus a couple days of feasts Lol), so I started January eating approx 1800ish cals (I am 5'3", 135ish, workout 6 days a week - lifting heavy 4/5…
  • sunnydale anytime I crave something it's nuts or nut butters! I rarely crave junk-food (even though I'm starting to consider nut butters junk food since I eat it in excess Lol!) This has been going on for a while (random PB/almond butter cravings) and I am fairly certain I eat enough healthy fats, so I don't think my body…
  • oops misspelled in previous post: jaeone* (was typing quickly at work at the time!) Just wanted to add: My hunger was wayyy better today, I guess those extra cals helped yesterday! Totally just blaming it on leg day and making note to eat more on those days! :)
  • Thanks heybales! It all makes a lot of sense to me, I am really excited to do this! Crazy that I'm not scared to increase haha jaone: Thank you! Yep I get enough protein (I love it!)! I was shooting for 40%P (40%C, 20%F) and sometimes overshooting my protein haha. I eat protein and veggies at all of my 5 or 6 meals, so my…
  • I have been lifting on and off thru the year and just started this 12 week lifting program last week, so I am still trying to find the weight for each exercise that makes my final rep difficult,. I feel like these first two weeks are a big guessing game with calories and lifting loads and it's driving me a bit crazy, but I…
  • I'm a little late with this response but I found it through a google search. I was wondering how you're doing with upping your calories to NET 1200? I think when you were netting in very low ranges, that is the exact reason why you were not losing weight. Your body thinks it's starving (as someone else mentioned). I, too,…