

  • Literally, breakfast means when you 'break' your 'fast'. And that is when your day begins. If you wake up at 2pm in the afternoon and eat a bowl of cereal, thats your breakfast. Thats when you start logging. Doesn't really matter when you do what you do... as long as you log it and keep track.
  • I slice up a zucchini and fry it with a VERY small amount of olive oil. Very few calories.. and it really hits the spot. The trick is to really get it pan fried... seared on all sides. It will tastes delicious and fulfilling!
  • I agree with the person who said this IS going to take work. You cant expect great things with little or no effort. You have to earn it. And I think the best thing you can do is just focus on getting your body moving.... go to the gym, get a treadmill, take that daily walk to the local park... Whatever you can do to just…
  • In my book, if you are going to exercise ... ANYTIME is a good time. Think about it, most people don't exercise at all. But yeah if you do cardio stuff before bed, your heart rate might be a little faster and that can interfere with your sleep. I always get on my treadmill sometime between lunch and dinner (3-4pm).…
  • Daily for me.. I just can't help myself!! >_< my scale is in the bathroom, so every time I go in there it haunts me. Perhaps I should move it somewhere where I'll notice it less.