healthycrone Member


  • Hi All, Thanks for this discussion - it gave me lots of good information! In my quest to get enough potassium, I made two new dishes tonight and both were good. The soup would be enough for a meal, very filling. And the turkey…
  • Hi, I used to do yoga in the evening but stopped because I would get so charged up I could not sleep! So, now I do it no later than late afternoon.
  • Hi there! I just posted about what I'm working on in the introductions thread. I admire anyone who has the courage to spin. I want to but thing it would be like crack for me. I'd never stop and would end up bleary-eyed in the middle of the room with yarn piled to the ceiling all around me, that I'll never have time to knit.
  • Hi - me too! I'm poettess on Ravelry....
  • HI there, My mom taught me to knit as a kid, but I only made straight things in garter stitch, never learned to purl. I learned to crochet in high school "home economics" class. Do they even still have that? I just crocheted for years and then about 15 years ago decided to knit a sweater. That's me! No buildup, just full…
  • Thanks, everyone! So what are you unexpectedly favorite recipes (you wouldn't have thought you'd like it before you knew about your food allergies/sensitivities)
  • Looks yummy! I want to try it tomorrow. I bet it would make good burger rolls, too. What are the nutrition facts on it? Have you entered it as a recipe or food?
  • Height: 5'5" Age/Gender: 49 year old Female Highest weight- 185 lbs (pregnant), 166 not pregnant Current Weight- 145 lbs Current body fat - no idea Lowest weight- 127 lbs, as an adult - but that was way too skinny on me- I am muscular and have a decent size frame, so I look like a bag of bones at 127 Goal weigh- 132-134 lbs
  • Guys who think they're so buff when they drop or slam the weights down. It only shows that they can't control the weight and should be lifting less!!! And I always stretch before and after lifting - gives your muscle nice tone and helps aging joints....
  • After being a slug in high school I started lifting while rowing crew in college. What fun! My sister used to be a personal trainer and she taught me a lot. She said once she was waiting for a bench to do bench press. This guy finished, looked at her, and started taking weights off. She said, "No, you don't need to." and…
  • Hi there, I am pushing 50 and have been using this program for a little over a month - tracking calories and getting back into shape. Nine years ago I weighed 166 pounds. I lost about 15 and kept ten of them off, resetting at around 156. Four years ago I lost 25 more pounds and was in incredibly good shape - so that 131…