

  • Keep up the great work!!! I love the banner you have that says, "If it doesn't challenge you, it won't change you". So very true! Congratulations and keep up the great work!
  • Great job!!! I am a Diet Coke fanatic and have found that I am drinking less and less the longer I remain true to my lifestyle change. It isn't that I'm trying not to drink it, it's that I don't really want it! :) I went from about 5 or 6 a day to maybe 1 a day. That's a big deal for me. Good job!
  • I typically weigh myself every morning. It allows me to track my progress and also lets me make any moderations to my diet accordingly. It's easier to control weight gain (and this is just me) by monitoring it daily. Now, the down side is that I get easily frustrated. If I don't see the drop in weight, I'm briefly…