How often should I be weighing myself?



  • BristleCone43
    I weigh every morning...keeps me focused.

    But - you may see fluctuating weight. Remember - 1 8oz glass of water weighs a little more than 1/2 lb. so drinking 8 glasses of water a day will add 4 lbs to your weight...of course you sweat/pee most of that out during the day. however if you drink a lot before going to bed and then get up and weight yourself you will probably find you are 2 - 3 pounds heavier.

    I try and exercise and complete morning bodily functions before weighing. :)
  • krickeyuu
    krickeyuu Posts: 344 Member
    I think it depends on what you are doing with the numbers. You can weight daily if you want to track trends in your weight fluctuations.

    If you are weighing daily and expecting to see a steady .2 lb loss EVERY day, or you get depressed or upset when your numbers go up or down several pounds daily (normal: happens for many different reasons), then I would say weigh weekly or even monthly.

    Personally, I weigh daily, first thing in the morning. However, I only log my weight monthly--on the 16th of the month (if it has changed.)
  • Charlie_Hooper
    Charlie_Hooper Posts: 18 Member
    I always read that weighing every day isn't great as your weight fluctuates a lot, so I've always stuck with once a week - same day, approximately similar time ---> normally as i get in from school on a friday, before I eat my lunch!
  • DeannaHizon
    I typically weigh myself every morning. It allows me to track my progress and also lets me make any moderations to my diet accordingly. It's easier to control weight gain (and this is just me) by monitoring it daily.

    Now, the down side is that I get easily frustrated. If I don't see the drop in weight, I'm briefly discouraged so in that regard I would rather weigh myself weekly for the big result.
  • kwilliam2
    kwilliam2 Posts: 35
    I weigh myself every morning, after going to the bathroom and before eating. Average the weight from sunday-saturday and that's your weekly weight. Compare weekly weights, not daily weights.
  • amandacillin
    amandacillin Posts: 39 Member
    Once every 3 months. Focus more on measurements! Sometimes with exercise you get results that don't show up on a scale! :)
  • RunWinterGarden
    RunWinterGarden Posts: 428 Member
    Everyone does it differently, what I do is weight myself daily, punch it in to my spreadsheet and look at the 15 day moving average (basically the average weight for the last 15 days). As long as that number keeps going down I know I'm on the right path and that the daily fluctuations from drinking too much water or whatever aren't going to bother me.
  • BaconMD
    BaconMD Posts: 1,165 Member
    Once every 3 months. Focus more on measurements! Sometimes with exercise you get results that don't show up on a scale! :)
    Yes, results such as lower blood pressure, lower resting heart rate, running a faster mile, lifting heavier weights, looser clothing, etc

    Don't limit yourself to a series of digits that really mean very little, yet seem to control self-worth.
  • NovemberJune
    NovemberJune Posts: 2,525 Member
    Every day, first thing in the morning after you use the bathroom.

    More data = better trends.


    Me too. I know that it's normal and expected for weight to go up and down within a few lbs day to day and it doesn't bother me. If it does bother you, wait a few weeks.
    GURLEY_GIRL3 Posts: 359 Member
    I use my Wii Fit and weigh in almost every morning. I know my weight can fluctuate, so I don't worry too much about the number, I just like to see the overall trend (the Wii Fit will graph it for you AND gives you your BMI calculation). I only record my weight here twice a week. Usually Monday and Thurs, but yesterday showed the same weight as the last one I recorded, so I recorded today's weight. Remember, the scale is just a number...this is about how you feel and making the right choices.

  • SueGeer
    SueGeer Posts: 1,169 Member
    I weigh every morning. I actually track it in a spreadsheet and graph it - yeah that is what you get for being a numbers guy.


    LOL! I agree with the above. My scale actually downloads to the PC and creates all sorts of graphs and charts in an Access database. I'm a geek and I admit it!

    I weigh daily but don't freak out over gains. My scales sync to PC and are linked to MFP, so my weight is automatically logged on here.
  • Talkeetna2020
    I've been scared to weigh myself. I know what it's gonna say. However, after starting my boxing/kickboxing class, and seeing results, I'm kinda disappointed that I don't have a 'before' weight now. I can guesstimate, but I won't be exact now.
    But with that said, other than being scared to see the ##, I'm also very scared that I'll start obsessing about the ##.
  • rrb17
    rrb17 Posts: 2
    If you're trying to lose weight, you SHOULDN'T weight yourself everyday. It will drive you crazy since your body sometimes retains water and so your weight will fluctuate a lot.

    Once a week is fine if you have too much weight to lose. Once every two weeks is good if you don't need to lose a lot.

    If you're trying to maintain your weight it would be good to weight yourself everyday, since anyways the max you can gain in a day is like 1.5 pounds which isn't a big deal if you're paying attention to what you eat.