How often should I be weighing myself?



  • Melissa11412
    Melissa11412 Posts: 145 Member
    Pre-poop, post-poop, and always post-binge. It's fun.


    Once a month. The scale is a lying, deceptive POS.


    scale weight fluctuates too much, i'm going by inches lost in order to preserve some semblance o' sanity lol
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    Some days I find myself obsessing over the scale to see if I've lost even 1/2 pound!! Some days I swear the scale is lying to me... It will say I lost a pound and then two days later I'm back where I was... Should I hide the scale for two weeks at a time?

    YES! Weigh in once a week, same day, same time. Don't allow the scale to dictate to you how you should feel about your body!
  • shred_me_up
    shred_me_up Posts: 267 Member
    do what works for you, just keep in mind that weight fluctuates a LOT so the scale can actually lie ;) water weight, TOM, salt intake... one day i had a 3 kg gain and loss. ONE DAY hahaha.

    personally i like every week or so. and also try to go by measurements; they are usually much more accurate.
  • JeremyMo88
    JeremyMo88 Posts: 18 Member
    Totally agree. I weight myself every morning.
  • JeneticTraining
    JeneticTraining Posts: 663 Member
    I say once a week.

    Don't worry TOO much about the scale. I would take measurements as well. I prefer that number
    Weigh yourself when you wake up.
  • jbalge
    jbalge Posts: 12 Member
    I was weighing myself every day and being kind of crazy about it so my doctor told me to only weigh myself once a month.
  • Goldenwoof
    Goldenwoof Posts: 535 Member
    I weigh myself every day, but only log it here once a week.

    A person's body weight can fluctuate by a couple of pounds a day, regardless of whether you had a good day or a bad day the day before. And I'd hate to only weigh myself once a week, have it be one of those "fluctuating" days, painting an inaccurate picture of how I'm actually doing. Weighing myself every day gives me a better idea of where I really am. If I'm unusually high or unusually low one day, I don't worry about it because of the day before, the day before that, etc.
  • MissLuana
    MissLuana Posts: 356
    I weigh in every Saturday morning, after using the restroom and before I eat or drink anything. I have also found that I need to weigh in after enough sleep. For example, I wake at 4am Monday through Friday for work. So I usually wake up around 5am on the weekends out of habit. If I go to the bathroom and weigh then, I'm about 2 pounds heavier than I am later that morning when I wake again!!!

    Sounds crazy I know but I've done this on several occasions and it's always the same. I weigh less after getting more sleep. They do say getting enough sleep helps with you weight loss...
  • imchicbad
    imchicbad Posts: 1,650 Member
    Everyday is rediculous!! absolutly obsurd! I say once or twice a month (my opinion). weight fluctuates to much to do daily weigh in (which is why im documenting for two weeks to show everyone why not to). I say do it on the day you dont feel bloated and first thing in the morning naked.
  • sstratto01
    I weigh every morning. I actually track it in a spreadsheet and graph it - yeah that is what you get for being a numbers guy.

  • catlbeginagain
    catlbeginagain Posts: 14 Member
    Love this!! :laugh:
    Pre-poop, post-poop, and always post-binge. It's fun.


    Once a month. The scale is a lying, deceptive POS.
  • bethlaf
    bethlaf Posts: 954 Member
    i have heard both schools of thought, fr me i have to see definite progress, otherwise i get defeated but if i weigh in and i see even 3 10th of a lb gone, it inspires me and keeps me motivated
    and if i see no movement i know i am doing something wrong
    I know others say once a week, or less, i think it depends on the individual
  • TimSPC
    TimSPC Posts: 39 Member
    I do it every Sunday first thing in the morning after I pee.
  • bethlaf
    bethlaf Posts: 954 Member
    Pre-poop, post-poop, and always post-binge. It's fun.


    Once a month. The scale is a lying, deceptive POS.

    LOL i think post binge would be bad, but i laughed when i read this ...
  • kellijauch
    kellijauch Posts: 379 Member
    Personally, I think it's more about how you look and feel, rather than a number on a scale, but if you must weigh yourself, keep it to once a week maximum or you will drive yourself crazy.
  • kmw6886
    kmw6886 Posts: 6 Member
    I weigh myself every day and log every day.
    Doing so allows me to make adjustments in my diet that I would not have otherwise seen.
    Sodium especially affects me, and I would not have lost what I have lost during this time period, or found a way to get out of a plateau, if I did not notice this.
    But, as others have said, do what you feel is best for you.
    It is just one tool of many, but what is most important is seeing improvements on how you feel, the fit of your clothes, etc.
    Good luck!
  • psych0kitty
    psych0kitty Posts: 313
    I weigh myself every morning under the same conditions, then log it in my excel spreadsheet (I've got a graph and everything).

    Also, every Sunday, I post my weight on a different forum for a different spreadsheet that someone does to keep track of our weekly trends.

    But I also weigh before and after pooping if I feel like it's gonna be a big one.
  • TrishaRN_74
    TrishaRN_74 Posts: 102 Member
    I use my Wii Fit and weigh in almost every morning. I know my weight can fluctuate, so I don't worry too much about the number, I just like to see the overall trend (the Wii Fit will graph it for you AND gives you your BMI calculation). I only record my weight here twice a week. Usually Monday and Thurs, but yesterday showed the same weight as the last one I recorded, so I recorded today's weight. Remember, the scale is just a number...this is about how you feel and making the right choices.
  • albertine58
    albertine58 Posts: 267 Member
    I weigh every morning because it tells me exactly how my body works! I track it at and then I can see my normal ups & downs, so I NEVER get freaked out by the scale anymore. If you do it enough, it stops being your enemy! I feel like I understand my body. If I see a gain when I know my habits have been good, I know it's just water retention/not enough sleep/high salt intake and I brush it off and it doesn't bother me at all. Break the scale's power over you!

    This might not work for everyone, of course, but stopping the whole "dreading the scale" mentality has done wonders for me. I know that if I'm weighing all my food on a food scale, there will never be anything but GOOD surprises on the body scale.
  • BillRicks1
    BillRicks1 Posts: 473 Member
    I weigh every morning. I actually track it in a spreadsheet and graph it - yeah that is what you get for being a numbers guy.


    LOL! I agree with the above. My scale actually downloads to the PC and creates all sorts of graphs and charts in an Access database. I'm a geek and I admit it!