SandiDc Member


  • Hi Ladies, It is nice to meet all of you… As Far as my religious back group goes I was raised non denominational Christian with my mom’s family being Catholic. So my dad felt it was important to have me exposed to both through my life and I am glad he did. I am not the preacher type but I can say I have felt the presents…
  • Hey , Nice to meet you!!! I am right there with you with the weight issues... I have decided to take charge as well. I don't live close but if you want we can meet daily on here... Good Luck and stick with it.!!!
    in Howdy! Comment by SandiDc June 2011
  • Congrats!!! YOU are doing awsome!!
  • Thanks that what I needed to know... will let you know how it goes... :-)
  • HI Amber, I like you am using this site for the same reason. I have 70lbs to lose. I live in Texas if you just want a suport group send me a friend request I have a long way too go and can use some like minded friends as well... - Sandi :smile:
  • Hi Everyone, I am new to the site as well I started it last Monday the 10th as something new to try when I joined a gym. I refuse to get on the scale everyweek,but will do in a couple of weeks. I have noticed that I can consitrate better and I am feeling great with some new found energy since I work full time with kiddos…