
  • oh my gosh! Stop stop stop beating yourself up! -- make an effort to ---- ACTIVELY BLOCK ---- any thoughts or memories or "ruminations" about your weekend. It's fine. It's over. One day of binging isn't the end, and you were so low. You have a lot of reasons to be low . . . . this is not something to be so hard on yourself…
  • I think 1200 is way too low. On the other hand, you're interested in weight loss. It's a balancing act. There are various different calorie-counting sites on line, and some will say you should be at about 1650 . . . . less for "extreme weight loss." Rather than being a stickler, let me show you how I'm approaching it:…
  • I've lost 4 pounds in 11 days. My father-in-law, kind of forgetful, came over to the house and cheerfully asked, "you're looking good. Have you put on weight?" I'm not sure if that's an NSV or not. I think not, probably, but he noticed a difference of SOME sort . . .:)
  • I'd love to join, although it's kind of late. I'm new here, so I just tried to make a ticker.
  • definitely. the only thing I'm NOT interested in is the science of exercise and fitness, which is probably why I ended up wit 43 pounds to lose :)
  • The chocolate mousse I had for breakfast the day after I started Fitness Pal. I logged it in as best I could and it was 700 calories. So what, no dinner? no lunch? Arghhhh. It was a Sunday and I made time for a 2-hour hike and believe it or not, that was the last and ONLY day so far I've ended within my calorie limit!